Control of Job Aid Videos


We have users that create videos as job aids. The question that comes into play is where these videos should be stored? The document control system or LMS which is a training sytem we use to control training and track who is required and has taken the training. Is there an ISO clause I can reference to support placing the video in LMS?


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Re: Control of Videos

Are there work instructions for that process as well? Maybe reference the video with the addition of "or similar" in the work instruction? Else, start saving the videos with specific titles and revisions, etc. and add it to doc control.

Could be a little over the top. Some training aids need not be controlled IMHO.


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Re: Control of Videos

We have users that create videos as job aids. The question that comes into play is where these videos should be stored? The document control system or LMS which is a training sytem we use to control training and track who is required and has taken the training. Is there an ISO clause I can reference to support placing the video in LMS?

I'd suggest that using "ISO" to justify doing something won't help you much. Either people see the benefit of having these videos be under some type of control etc is all that's needed and, if not, you need to know why they don't. Videos can, under the latest ISO terminology, be considered "Knowledge Management" or even "documented information". So, choose one which fits with your culture and decide how/who the control is done.
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