Controlled Form Revision - Help
OK I'm still new at this quality/control arena so bare with me
We have Controled Forms with form numbers and revisions numbers that are protected on the system. ISO9001:94 going to 9K2K
Some of these forms are used for inspections incoming, in process, etc. These forms have part number and detailed information. (The forms are "templates" for detailed forms).
When the forms are updated (new fields, different font, whatever) should ALL of the detailed versions be updated?
Example1: In coming raw material inspection form has part number and all relavant info for the inspector to check.
I want to update the form so it will be easier to fill out (bigger spaces etc). No information is being added or removed. Do I NEED to update all the part specific inspection forms (which serve as our records)?
Example2: Control Plans - Updated form so additional customer/print information MAY be added where appropriate. Should I update all control plans to use the new "template"?
I'm talking about 1500 part numbers and only me to do everything (I AM the QA dept).
Did this make any sense?
Do I need to update all detailed forms, when I have updated the blank "template" or can I update them as needed?
The old version will in no way hurt production or quality, but they won't visually match the current revision.
OK I'm still new at this quality/control arena so bare with me
We have Controled Forms with form numbers and revisions numbers that are protected on the system. ISO9001:94 going to 9K2K
Some of these forms are used for inspections incoming, in process, etc. These forms have part number and detailed information. (The forms are "templates" for detailed forms).
When the forms are updated (new fields, different font, whatever) should ALL of the detailed versions be updated?
Example1: In coming raw material inspection form has part number and all relavant info for the inspector to check.
I want to update the form so it will be easier to fill out (bigger spaces etc). No information is being added or removed. Do I NEED to update all the part specific inspection forms (which serve as our records)?
Example2: Control Plans - Updated form so additional customer/print information MAY be added where appropriate. Should I update all control plans to use the new "template"?
I'm talking about 1500 part numbers and only me to do everything (I AM the QA dept).
Did this make any sense?
Do I need to update all detailed forms, when I have updated the blank "template" or can I update them as needed?
The old version will in no way hurt production or quality, but they won't visually match the current revision.