It's great to have a database, useful to have forms...but it doesn't help to avoid confusion and collect information. From my experience there is no universal "best recipe" form. Design your Corrective & Preventive actions procedures first, decide how to records(paper, database, excel, there are many solutions). Then, after the information flow is defined, build the form to support it.
For example, in one company we implemented combined CAPA request form, trained employees, it works fine. In another company this approach led to confusion and many future risks as well as failures were not reported. There we had to implement 2 simple requests:
1. NCF report (what happened, when, correction implemented)
2. Identified risk (possible risks, may be rather subjective)
Both types of request are submitted to the quality manager and discussed by their quality group, who makes decision whether it'll be NCF, corrective, or preventive action.
So, customize!