Corrective Action Request (CAR) Form Examples and Discussion



Oh Boy,
Hear I go ! I have a CAR/MRR (corrective action request /material review report) database that was made in access. Has all the bells and whistles for the whole shebang including a report. I will probably be bombarded by you people, but a copy may be available.
May I get a copy of you DB.




Sounds like something we would really be interested in, but our IT doesn't support access here. As a matter of fact, it's not even on most of our computers. Would it be possible to convert this to an excel database? If converted to excel would it still have the same functionality? I know this is asking a lot, would you be willing to do the conversion for us since we don't have the access program?

Jim Wynne

Hi George,

Would it be possible to get a copy?


The post you're responding to is over ten years old, and the person who posted it hasn't logged in here in over two years. A response is unlikely.

If you scroll to the top of the page you'll see something that says "Post Attachments List" and if you click on it you can do a search. Also, if you scroll to the bottom of the page you'll find a list of related threads where you might also find something of interest.

I would be interested in getting a copy of this. Thanks.

Welcome to the Cove. :bigwave:

There are a lot of posts in this thread, and the thread is now over ten years old, so you'll need to be specific about what it is you'd like a copy of. When you post, if you hit the "Quote" button on the post you're responding to, we'll know what it is you're referring to.

May I get a copy of you DB.


The post you're responding to is from 2001, and the person hasn't logged in here in over two years.


Sounds like something we would really be interested in, but our IT doesn't support access here. As a matter of fact, it's not even on most of our computers. Would it be possible to convert this to an excel database? If converted to excel would it still have the same functionality? I know this is asking a lot, would you be willing to do the conversion for us since we don't have the access program?

Please review the progression of posts above. The person who posted about having an Access CA database did so in 2001, and hasn't been here since 2009. Dahlia has now asked twice for the database, so I don't think she will be able to supply it or convert it, even if such a thing were possible. As was suggested before, check the Post Attachments List and see if there's anything there that might be useful.


It's great to have a database, useful to have forms...but it doesn't help to avoid confusion and collect information. From my experience there is no universal "best recipe" form. Design your Corrective & Preventive actions procedures first, decide how to records(paper, database, excel, there are many solutions). Then, after the information flow is defined, build the form to support it.
For example, in one company we implemented combined CAPA request form, trained employees, it works fine. In another company this approach led to confusion and many future risks as well as failures were not reported. There we had to implement 2 simple requests:
1. NCF report (what happened, when, correction implemented)
2. Identified risk (possible risks, may be rather subjective)
Both types of request are submitted to the quality manager and discussed by their quality group, who makes decision whether it'll be NCF, corrective, or preventive action.
So, customize!


can anyone help me provide a sample of corrective action sample form please:(

Jim Wynne

I would like a copy of that form as well.

Welcome to the Cove. :bigwave:

This is a long thread that dates back to 2001, and it's hard to tell which post you're responding to. When you reply, it's a good thing to use the "Quote" button (in the lower right corner of the post you're responding to) and that will create the link.
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