CRM - Customer Relationship Management


Fully vaccinated are you?
I have been following this thread since it started. Like Edith, I had not heard of CRM. About a year or a bit more ago I started seeing this as a topic in Infoworld - a tech-nut rag I get a paper copy of every month. Why? I'm not sure as everything is online anyway.

Bottom line: You can look at this in conceptual terms or real terms. It sounds as if Edith's company has a 'good personality'.

In my initial response (several weeks ago) which I did not post I wrote:

> I have wanted to input to this thread for a while but have
> been kinda busy and - well, I've been reading about CRM
> for well over a year. Just about every issue of InfoWorld
> has had someone writing about it. This said it's not new
> to me. The question is more do you need 'pre-packaged'
> software, can you do everything in house and/or are you
> already suficiently addressing CRM.
> I personally think it's a company individual thing (as are
> most things especially involving 'canned' software), but
> the bottom line is I'm now seeing CRM as a 'Buzz Word' and
> I see many people thinking this is a new concept or
> something - it is not. Just about every company has some
> form of Customer Relationship Management system whether
> computerized or not.
> While InfoWorld is a
> 'computer nut' site, there is some good insight there.
> :thedeal:

I have been seeing this in the Canned Software category and want to remind that buying and 'implementing' software does not equate to customer satisfaction.

See InfoWorld's site:

Unscrambling CRM (InfoWorld 11.26.01 - CTO Insider column - Wheelhouse CTO Barry Briggs interview)

Defined Metrics May Heal CRM Reputation (For The record column 12.03.01 - by Martin La Monica)

Analytics Redraw CRM Lines by Paul Krill (Strategic News and Analysis column) 12.03.01

Customer Disservice "CRM is a useful tool, but it can't be expected to help companies that treat customers poorly" by Bob Lewis 12.03.01

The Craft of CRM - "If you're looking for the right system to manage your customer relationships, think startegically" - by Bob Lewis - 12.10.01

If I have anything to say about CRM it's that the company personality is the determining factor. Not the software. :thedeal:


CRM integrated with QMS'

Have you or do you reference your QMS within the CRM database, and If so, what form does QMS internal and external audit take on, I have actually witnessed an audit where all or most of the relevant QMS information is online and the audit took the form as it were as a desk type of audit.
The use of CRM type of software within QMS systems is allowing the more effective and efficient use of auditors time regarding reporting results of an audit, The paperless audit seems to be catching on thanks to CRM.

Martijn TVM

Im impressed

H Edith,

Your Company does indeed sound like they have it all under control. I must admit I am impressed and possibly even jaluous. Is it possible for you to give me some numbers on company improvement because of your usage of such a system. Our Company Headquarters offers a very similar system to us but, because of the cost and cumbersomness (I don't know whether that word exists) we have decided to look into something less expensive and more in connection with our own systems. I just need to convince my boss that it will have a ROI that is sufficient. Just like some hard numbers I don't expect any company sensitive info but just like Productivity raised 3%, efficiencies 2%, Average time of responds reduced by 5 days, customer satisfaction 10% or anything like that. Because the soft numbers like sales has a better view of complaints, CA's etc. is going to be put of as, they can find the same info with 2 or 3 phone calls, that s not worth it. But the things I read I will definitely bring up in some of the discussions about this subject.



H Edith,

Your Company does indeed sound like they have it all under control. I must admit I am impressed and possibly even jaluous. Is it possible for you to give me some numbers on company improvement because of your usage of such a system. Our Company Headquarters offers a very similar system to us but, because of the cost and cumbersomness (I don't know whether that word exists) we have decided to look into something less expensive and more in connection with our own systems. I just need to convince my boss that it will have a ROI that is sufficient. Just like some hard numbers I don't expect any company sensitive info but just like Productivity raised 3%, efficiencies 2%, Average time of responds reduced by 5 days, customer satisfaction 10% or anything like that. Because the soft numbers like sales has a better view of complaints, CA's etc. is going to be put of as, they can find the same info with 2 or 3 phone calls, that s not worth it. But the things I read I will definitely bring up in some of the discussions about this subject.


Hello Martijn,

I have upper management's attention, but I'm not completely sold yet!! I don't want to pursue it, until I get our global offices interested in the concept. (Otherwise to me , it defeits the purpose) To me there is no point into getting say, the Americas on side, if we can also get Asia and Europe buying into the "global" vision! This is so important to me! I don't have any numbers for you yet as I am only piloting the concept within Canada, as I am trying to sell it to the US and the hopefully our Global network!

As we all know, the "sales group" is always the most difficult to sell on quality or any idea that "quality" may introduce, but the fact, that we could sell sales, is a HUGE MILESTONE. In terms of ROI, I don't have hard numbers for you yet, but in terms of licensing of our QMS system, it's already there. No need to by another additional or in house program another CRM when "We" can all use 1 and obtain the same objectives. We use concurrent lic. As I go through the process, I will definatley be able to provide you with those "quality cost" savings. In about a months time I should have it for you.!!!!

Hi Wallace,

All customer elements were covered in this database at the auditors fingertips! He was blown away!... The most up to date rates, correspondece, review of requirements, promoting of customer awareness, all in this database. It was funny actually, then he would ask me, how would you monitor NC, CAR etc. "easy" I said, just click on the customer profile, and you get the links right into our NC, CAR database! The manual does reference all customer requirements directly to the database.

I actually have been blessed with the fact that I never had to go through a "paper" audit. My first was a paperless system, with a CRM as a module add-on to the QMS! (One of the databases include the Audit and Car, which actually link to a customer on a third party audit if you wish!)

PS. Although we were a paperless audit, the auditor still asked us to at least print off some of the main sections, as he was not very computer literate, which I didn't complain about too much!!


Have you or do you reference your QMS within the CRM database, and If so, what form does QMS internal and external audit take on, I have actually witnessed an audit where all or most of the relevant QMS information is online and the audit took the form as it were as a desk type of audit.
The use of CRM type of software within QMS systems is allowing the more effective and efficient use of auditors time regarding reporting results of an audit, The paperless audit seems to be catching on thanks to CRM.


CRM integrated with QMS'

It's extremely interesting to see where CRM is taking QMS systems, I'm wondering if QMS is going through some kind of forced change in the service (and other) sectors with the introduction of CRM to organizational databases.
The six sigma folks are (Well some of them) calling CRM the six sigma of this century, On that vein, do you use any statistical metrics whithin your CRM software database.
I just thought about the auditing of QMS coupled with CRM, Is it possible to perform self audits of the system with the help of the CRM as, It seems quite clear that what you view is what's in the database system regarding QMS, I see the future of auditing a QMS coupled with CRM being audited by an auditor who may be off site, Just allow the auditor access to the organizational intranet for auditing purposes. It's interesting to see where it will go.


CRM integrated with QMS or vice versa??

Hi Wallace,

I have to agree with you, things are changing. Again, my honest opinion is, the high ups are hearing about this "fad" with CRM's and all our customers are talking Six Sigma (GE and Motorola are a couple of our multi nationals) They are putting the two together, and it's this years hit, little do they know CRM's are what encompasses a Quality Managment System !!! If I would have only known.... We should have called ISO CRM, and we would have had buy in from the get go!!:bonk:

When I initiatlly introduced the group the database, they had no idea it even existed, let alone "WITHIN THE QUALITY DEPARTMENT"

At the time of the audit the "Customer" portion of the database was not ready, but our suppliers portion was. Our venors were maintained as our customers will be shorthly. You could actually see all the reviews, outcomes, action items, next review date etc Quality qualifications etc. With that, I gave the auditor my laptop and off he went. I wonder how auditors feel about the new technology sometime!

Cest la vie! :smokin:

I will talk to you all upon my return from the Bahamas. Once I have my ppt completed I'll post it to the thread!

Have a great week!!!!!

Edith;) ;) ;) :bigwave:
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