Re: Cross Reference Matrix - ISO 9001 Requirements to Internal Procedures (Tier I and
Good morning all,
I'm trying to be a good searcher, so I'm opening an old thread that seems relevant. I'm looking to comply with 4.2.2b "The Organization shall establish and maintain a quality manual that includes the documented procedures established for the QMS, or reference to them."
I interpret that as a cross-reference list like the one that Tom included. Here's my questions:
1. Is that correct?
2. Do you have to list each and every element? I just listed the major (for example 8.5 only, not 8.5.1 and 8.5.2.)
3. I view the cross-reference as an aid to the auditor to know where to look to find the proof of compliance to that element. Anyone agree?
Thanks for your help!
A common way of handling the reference is to show the corresponding procedure at the end of each section of the quality manual. It is also common to show a chart, like you are looking for. I think I have one for AS9100B. I'll look for it and post it if I can find it.
Here it is:
Procedure Relation to Requirement Clause in AS 9100B
4.2.3 Control of Documents 4.2.3; 4.3
4.2.4 Control of Records 4.2.4
5.1 Management Responsibility 5.1-5.6
6.1 Resource Management 6.1-6.4
7.1 Production Planning 7.1
7.2 Customer-Related Processes 7.2.1-7.2.3
7.3 Design and Development 7.3.1-7.3.7
7.4 Purchasing 7.4.1-7.4.3
7.5 Production 7.5.1-7.5.4
7.6 Control of Monitoring/Measuring Devices 7.6
8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction 8.2.1
8.2.2 Internal Audit 8.2.2
8.2.3 Monitoring and Measurement of Processes 8.2.3
8.2.4 Monitoring and Measurement of Product 8.2.4-
8.3 Control of Nonconforming Product 8.3
8.4 Analysis of Data 8.4
8.5.1 Continual Improvement 8.5.1
8.5.2 Corrective Action 8.5.2
8.5.3 Preventive Action 8.5.3
It didn't transfer very well. PM me with your email and I'll send it as an attachment.