CRP - Certified Reliability Professional (Anyone?)



Good day all,

I am looking to further educate myself in the field of reliability. ASQ has the CRE (Certified Reliability Engineer) and Reliasoft offers the CRP (Certified Reliability Professional). ASQ's certification requires passing the test and demonstrating participation in the reliability field. Reliasoft's certification requires 15 credits of reliability class work (about 5 to 6 classes), the completion of a reliability project and publishing an article or presenting a reliability topic at a conference. I believe the CRP may hold more weight because of the more elaborate certification process involved.

I was wondering, has anyone here obtained the CRP certification? If so, what did you think of the quality of the classes and the certification process? What foundation of knowledge is required to partake in the classes? Any other thoughts/comments on the CRP would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards

Jen Kirley

Quality and Auditing Expert
I had never heard of this cert, so I looked at the CRP site. I noticed that it has a lengthy list of required classes, which appear to all be ReliaSoft offerings. Ka-ching!

I would expect those classes to feature ReliaSoft products in their curricula. Of course!

What is left would be a Reliability Engineer whose skills in using ReliaSoft products would probably lead to some purchases of said products. Ka-ching!

And so, without knowing first hand what the quality of this program is (it could be excellent) the cynic in me believes it's a gigantic marketing package.

To be fair, ASQ and ISO have been accused of something similar. The difference is that they do not rely on their own classes or materials for the cert. A certain amount is advisable; for a CRE I would buy a maximum of three carefully chosen texts, which in my experience are not all from the ASQ Press. I might also buy a practice exam CD. I might buy these texts from ASQ's web site (I don't believe they sell exam CDs), but I have found I can buy the same texts cheaper elsewhere.

With this approach, I expect the ASQ CRE is more diverse in its industry approach than ReliaSoft's program, which I would expect to complete as a sales rep or consultant.

world quality

you also might want o look up the quality council of Indiana and look at there refresher ciourse and sample questionc for CRE. Very good


Thank you for the replies.

Jennifer - you bring up some very good points. I've wondered myself about the Reliasoft providing training for their own "certification" process, which is why I was asking if anyone had either participated or heard about their program. I would hope they would incorporate integrity into their program and refrain from the sales pitch mumbo jumbo - but that's probably wishful thinking. It would probably be a similar scenario if Minitab would offer Blackbelt training. It appealed to me because of the onsite hands-on training coupled with an actual project certification process - much like Six Sigma Blackbelt training. The ASQ CRE certification requires a self-education process, which takes a different type of dedication.

I do like the idea of purchasing a practice exam. That makes good sense, and could help me understand what areas I need to devote my focus to.

world quality

You can go on line and order the CRE Refresher course and Sample questions , along with sample problems. These are you most of your test questions from ASQ.

Quality Council of
Bill Wortman
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