Customer Complaint Log
I need advice.
I am trying to implement a Customer Complaint log, which I believe will address It came up in our last registration audit to TS16949, and we managed to squeak through saying our DMN list was our Customer Complaint log. I know that unless every single customer complaint results in a DMN, we are missing important calls.
One instance was a Quality Engineer here received a complaint, and thought she would just go to the floor and take care of it herself, and sure enough we received a PRR the next week for a repeat issue.
My boss here is against the log, saying an auditor would look at the log of hundreds of calls, (yes, it would be hundreds) and automatically assume we are having quality issues. My argument is that if each call is dispositioned, whether it resulted in an
8D, or design, or voided, or whatever, the auditor wouldn't care how many, as long as they were addressed properly.
How are other companies handling this requirement, or are you even using a complaint log?