Customer Defective Part Return Process


Hello There,

I got an assignment to create a process document for Customer Defective Part Retun/Unused part return process. This is the first time, I am going to create process documentation. Please help me by sharing a sample documentation and also points that need to be considered /included in a process document.


Trusted Information Resource
Do you have any software that would assist in this process? As an example of what I am asking, we use an ERP software that has an option for customer return. If you have this, you would want to tailor your map to this.


Forum Moderator
I would start by mapping the process. You may want to start with a SIPOC, so you identify all of the stakeholders as well as the process inputs and outputs then detail it using a swim lane process map. After that you can create your document using whatever format is common to your company. I do not recommend creating a new format that might confuse people. Or detail the swim lane map until it is self sufficient.
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