The original question is hypothetical (meaning you're just curious about the ASQ 8D method)?
The original question is hypothetical (meaning you're just curious about the ASQ 8D method)?
Thanks MinerFWIW, I have been using 8D since Ford rolled it out as TOPS (Team Oriented Problem Solving) and found the ASQ material overly simplistic and inaccurate. The other source was slightly better, but not great. I attached a compilation that I have developed over the years.
Yes, it is, that we have to verify by testing that action will resolve the program if is a training in a person?
Verify through testing that the action will resolve the problem at the root cause level allowing for variation in the frequency or patterns created by the cause. Evaluate the action over the full range of production variation and operating conditions.
Yes, it is, that we have to verify by testing that action will resolve the program if is a training in a person?
and considering your previous response.
If the root cause is truly training, you could verify this by testing operators post-training to make sure they actually understand.
So does testing can takes too long in 5D?
I hope the customer is able to wait my responses ...... maybe now is looking another supplier?
Think out of the box. You don't have to wait until someone needs training. Find someone that has not been trained previously, train them and test their knowledge.
The key is to communicate with your customer. Contact them and provide an update, possibly an interim 8D, and timing on the final 8D.
Roxane made a good point. I was focusing on the verification aspect because that was the question that you asked, but you should dig deeper into the root cause.
Thanks Roxane and Miner
Ok, I understand, refreshing a 5w, instead of lack of training, I can add an additional 5w, and say because the follow-up of training
never was performed, other additional 5w, is little compromise with the QMS in this guy, this can be the last step.
Under this perspective , in order to ensure actions will eliminate the problem, I could think one action as to get by some means the compromise
on this guy and maybe to apply some testing or be convinced once is proved now is fully committed?
will this last action can be the testing? is it a convincing proposal?
Thanks for your patience
I would still like to know if this is an actual situation with a customer or just a hypothetical.Thanks Miner
I hope the customer is able to wait my responses ...... maybe now is looking another supplier?
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying or who "this guy" is.
Thanks Rox, I got what you say,
my answers in bold
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying or who "this guy" is.
the guy is the person in charge of the training schedule.
So, to the above the scenario, will training the operator address the root cause? Was it a lack of training that was the primary cause behind the forklift accident? No. It was certainly a factor, but it was not the true root cause. The real root cause likely lies in understanding why the supervisor assigned someone without the training OR why the operator did not say anything about his/her lack of training.
Let´s say these are root causes, as actions to eliminate them, could apply to give these employees awareness talks, additionally to check authorities/responsibilities , maybe they don´t know exactly their frontiers of actions ? or what is recommended?
The feedback here appears to indicator that you have not dug deep enough on your root cause and you have not yet hit the real root cause, so your actions, while undoubtedly helpful, are doing little to fix the underlying issue.
There is, by the way, a BIG difference between the reasons of "lack of training" and "follow-up of training never performed" that you mentioned. The first means training was never done. The second says training was done but there was no check on its effectiveness. Not sure you can have both reasons.
The first, little or none training, the second, no follow-up of the schedule of training by the training responsible.
there were scheduled training, but the responsible of the schedule (who hires the trainer, assign resources,etc.) forgot
to do it.
Beyond that, both of those reasons do NOT dig deep enough. WHY was there a lack of training? ... or ... WHY was there no follow-up to the training? 5W is not coming up with 5 different reasons of why. 5W is taking that first why and digging deeper and deeper to get to the real reason.