Data Measurement - Where can I purchase a data recording system?



Does anyone know where I can purchase a data recording system? We use dial calipers to measure dimensions that we have to record on forms that will be sent to customers. This is very time consuming. It would be nice to make the measurement, click a switch and have the measurement sent to an excel spreadsheet that could be sent to the customer. any infoe would be greatly appreciated. I know I have seen one in Quality Progress at one time but can't seem to find it now.

Jim Biz

Mitituyo for one -
Data-Myte is another (IF i have it spelled correctly)

What you are looking for could be described as "mechanical measurment interface equipment".. There are a number of gage producers out there that have that kind of thing.


Fully vaccinated are you?
Who is the manufacturer of your calipers? Have you contacted the manufacturer for their opinion / information?
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