Hello all.
I'd like to discuss issues related with WORKING VOLTAGE and critical components.
A Notified Body demands filled-in CDF form (critical component list). A representative of the Notified Body claims:
1. Critical Component: A component and/or sub assembly identified during a product evaluation deemed to have an impact on the safe operation or safety features of a product as dictated by the applied standard(s). This can be an electrical, mechanical, or structural component.
2. Components under dangerous voltage (greater than 42,4 V peak a.c. or 60 V d.c) are critical components.
My understanding in terms of electronics is different:
1. The limits of TOUCH CURRENT, PATIENT LEAKAGE CURRENT and PATIENT AUXILIARY CURRENT should not be exceeded for APPLIED PARTS and ACCESSIBLE PARTS in NORMAL CONDITION and SINGLE FAULT CONDITION [refer to 60601-1 rev.3.0 par. 8.1 and par. 8.4]
2. ME devices should have 2 MOP to prevent APPLIED and ACCESSIBLE PARTS from exceeding the limits I specified in item 1. [refer to 60601-1 rev.3.0 par.]
3. A corresponded MOP is determined by WORKING VOLTAGE where WORKING VOLTAGE is the highest voltage between separated by the MOP parts which is possible within input rated voltage (refer to 60601-1 rev.3.0 par. 8.5.4).
3.NORMAL CONDITION includes short circuit of any insulation that does not comply with the requirements for MOP[ refer to 60601-1 rev.3.0 par. 8.1 a) ]
From the all above I conclude that if short circuit of a component can lead to increasing of the proper WORKING VOLTAGE we should consider this component as Critical. If short circuit of a component doesn't lead to a HAZARDOUS SITUATION I don't need to consider it as Critical component.
Actually there is not such a thing as Critical Component in 60601-1 at all. I have managed to find only one reference related with Critical parts in IEC TR 62354 (describes testing procedures for medical equipment). It claims Notified bodies should demand a list of safety-rlated components which should include components used in mains, means of protection, critical materials, internal wires.
So, what do you think I should do? Should I just obey to demands of the Notified Body and include to Critical part list all components under voltage greater than 42,4Vpeak a.c./60 V d.c? Since we have great amount of such components it will lead to non-flexible purchasing and strong dependence from different manufacturers.
What do you think TR 62354 means by "parts used in mains"? Are they components on the SUPPLY MAINS side of any mains fuse?
Could you share your own experience of filling in Critical part list and dealing with Notified Bodies on this subject?
I'd like to discuss issues related with WORKING VOLTAGE and critical components.
A Notified Body demands filled-in CDF form (critical component list). A representative of the Notified Body claims:
1. Critical Component: A component and/or sub assembly identified during a product evaluation deemed to have an impact on the safe operation or safety features of a product as dictated by the applied standard(s). This can be an electrical, mechanical, or structural component.
2. Components under dangerous voltage (greater than 42,4 V peak a.c. or 60 V d.c) are critical components.
My understanding in terms of electronics is different:
1. The limits of TOUCH CURRENT, PATIENT LEAKAGE CURRENT and PATIENT AUXILIARY CURRENT should not be exceeded for APPLIED PARTS and ACCESSIBLE PARTS in NORMAL CONDITION and SINGLE FAULT CONDITION [refer to 60601-1 rev.3.0 par. 8.1 and par. 8.4]
2. ME devices should have 2 MOP to prevent APPLIED and ACCESSIBLE PARTS from exceeding the limits I specified in item 1. [refer to 60601-1 rev.3.0 par.]
3. A corresponded MOP is determined by WORKING VOLTAGE where WORKING VOLTAGE is the highest voltage between separated by the MOP parts which is possible within input rated voltage (refer to 60601-1 rev.3.0 par. 8.5.4).
3.NORMAL CONDITION includes short circuit of any insulation that does not comply with the requirements for MOP[ refer to 60601-1 rev.3.0 par. 8.1 a) ]
From the all above I conclude that if short circuit of a component can lead to increasing of the proper WORKING VOLTAGE we should consider this component as Critical. If short circuit of a component doesn't lead to a HAZARDOUS SITUATION I don't need to consider it as Critical component.
Actually there is not such a thing as Critical Component in 60601-1 at all. I have managed to find only one reference related with Critical parts in IEC TR 62354 (describes testing procedures for medical equipment). It claims Notified bodies should demand a list of safety-rlated components which should include components used in mains, means of protection, critical materials, internal wires.
So, what do you think I should do? Should I just obey to demands of the Notified Body and include to Critical part list all components under voltage greater than 42,4Vpeak a.c./60 V d.c? Since we have great amount of such components it will lead to non-flexible purchasing and strong dependence from different manufacturers.
What do you think TR 62354 means by "parts used in mains"? Are they components on the SUPPLY MAINS side of any mains fuse?
Could you share your own experience of filling in Critical part list and dealing with Notified Bodies on this subject?