Differences CSQA vs CQA



It seems there is quite a bit of similarities between these 2 certifications

CSQA and CQA (Quality Auditor)

Guide to the CSQA common Body of Knowledge v 6.2 - geared to CSQA

ASQ auditing Handbook version 4 J.P Russell - geared to CQA (Quality Auditor)

Are they not quite similar, would it be possible to or even silly to take both of these exams.. since they are kinda similar but does it matter either one? Which has more value in the United States, Europe and Asia (Singapore/ Japan)... thought of moving back one day.... suggestions?


Super Moderator
I'm assuming CSQA is the Certified Software Quality Analyst from ISCB. If your goals are to stay involved in software then the CSQA is more appropriate. (There's a somewhat analogous cert from ASQ, the CSQE)

The CQA is for general auditing of quality systems. Nothing about software. I'm not sure there's a whole lot of overlap. If your goal is to become an auditor then this would help provide a foundation.

Personally, a certification is only as valuable as you choose to apply it. (I do have a CQA). In and of itself, the cert is not going to guarantee you a job. It only says you've done sufficient work to pass a test of foundational knowledge in the subject. There are job postings that require some certs and some give added weight if you have a cert but you still have to interview and communicate to the hiring manager that you have the skills they need to solve their problems. I've known folks with strings of certs as long as their arm that could not do the work. You have to be able to apply the knowledge and that generally only comes with experience.
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