As I know the clause 0.2 "Process approach" in FDIS 9001:2000 again changed. Moreover there is an ISO/TC176' decision to produce special guidance module regarding this problem. Neverthless, how should I start, using cl. 4.1 of ISO 9001:2000?
4.1 a) Identifying processes
I identified
- 6 interested parties (customers,
stuff, owners etc.)
- 8 key production processes ( marketing, design, purchasing, production etc.)
- 7 main management processes (responsibilities,planning,recourses, measurement etc.)
So I have a matrix of 6*8*7=336 processes.OK
4.1 b) Determining the sequense and interaction of these processes. Ha-ha,
Shall I identify input and output for all these processes?
How shall I describe this interaction to stuff and auditors ( a matrix, a lot of flowcharts, in procedures)?
4.1 c) Determining criteria and methods required to ensure that both the operation and control of these processes are effective.
I don't know how to do it, because I understand that my internal and external auditors are not able to estimate: "Are operation and control really effective?".
And what is the noun for the adjective "effective" - effectiveness or efficiency. You know that it is a big difference between them.
Thank you in advance
4.1 a) Identifying processes
I identified
- 6 interested parties (customers,
stuff, owners etc.)
- 8 key production processes ( marketing, design, purchasing, production etc.)
- 7 main management processes (responsibilities,planning,recourses, measurement etc.)
So I have a matrix of 6*8*7=336 processes.OK
4.1 b) Determining the sequense and interaction of these processes. Ha-ha,
Shall I identify input and output for all these processes?
How shall I describe this interaction to stuff and auditors ( a matrix, a lot of flowcharts, in procedures)?
4.1 c) Determining criteria and methods required to ensure that both the operation and control of these processes are effective.
I don't know how to do it, because I understand that my internal and external auditors are not able to estimate: "Are operation and control really effective?".
And what is the noun for the adjective "effective" - effectiveness or efficiency. You know that it is a big difference between them.
Thank you in advance