DPD (Digital Product Definition)/MBD (Model Based Definition) Procedure



:thanx:Can I get a copy of this procedure. Can you send it to my e-mail.


sandeep prajapati

Hi... I need a sample plan of DPD. Can you please email it to my id as soon as possible? Thank you.
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We are also in need of a good procedure and under the appropriate section of AS9100. Would appreciate some help with this if anyone has a procedure that they are using. We have a DPD audit coming in October and our process/procedure needs help. If you can help I would appreciate the assistance.

L. Babcock

I have 'obtained' a sample DPD plan for a 'generic aerospace' company. Anyone interested? Between you and me, I have obtained it from a Boeing auditor when I was working on my DPD approval. Let me know and I'll send it to ya.
We are having our Boeing audit next week. Can you send me DPD (Digital Product Definition)/MBD (Model Based Definition) Procedure ?

It will help us compare to ours.

Much thanks and appreciation.


Fully vaccinated are you?
I have 'obtained' a sample DPD plan for a 'generic aerospace' company. Anyone interested? <snip>
Since this is an old thread, If anyone did get a copy of this will you please share it by posting it here?

My Thanks in advance!


Involved In Discussions
I just saw your post so I assume that you are either in your DPD audit or soon will be. Boeing is very particular about compliance to D6-51991 which is what you should have if you are a supplier.

My advice after having numerous DPD audits and finally being in a place where we can show what we do is compliant is the following and its not meant to be flippant.

At this late date, i would take my 'lumps'. You are not going to craft a DPD procedure and flowchart that effectively maps what you are doing in a few days. Nor will you probably be able to show translation verifications, etc.

Take the SER that Boeing will write and build on those. Write me here or private if you need some help.

Sign me a veteran of the NADCAP, QMS and DPD Wars...
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L. Babcock

:thanx: I am always looking for improvement ideas thus my request. Our audit results for this weeks DPD were zero nonconformances. Our Boeing Tooling had one. So we must be doing something right! Thanks again.
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