E-mail Abuse Dismissals - Employees fired for e-mail infractions



Several months ago I pooh poohed the idea that employees were in jeopardy of losing thie jobs because of snooping IT professionals. I believe it was Mike S. and db who insisted on the perils. Check this out. Nothing like a diet of Crow and Humble Pie, from time to time. :vfunny: Employees fired for e-mail infractions

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- Despite the well-publicized role incriminating e-mail messages played in the permanent barring of two securities analysts, U.S. workers continue to underestimate the power of the medium, a new survey finds.

Twenty-two percent of companies have fired an employee over improper e-mail use, up from 17 percent in 2001, according to a survey of 1,100 companies conducted by The ePolicy Institute, the American Management Association and Clearswift, maker of software to manage and secure electronic communications.

"Because e-mail is so quick and easy, and so anonymous, people will say things in an e-mail message that they would never say via the telephone, the fax or in person," said Nancy Flynn, author of "E-Mail Rules" and executive director of The ePolicy Institute.

But the fault can't be laid entirely at workers' feet, she said: "Because employees aren't being trained or educated, they're not aware of the risks."

Seventy-five percent of companies have a written e-mail policy, but that number declined from 81 percent in the earlier survey.

And those that have written policies don't always disseminate them: Only 48 percent of firms train workers about e-mail policies. Still, that's up from 24 percent in 2001.

A Washington-based state agency recently fired a group of employees for sending off-color messages, Flynn said. "When those employees were interviewed, a number of them said 'I didn't even know we had an e-mail policy,'" she said.

"The other comment was, 'I could name a dozen other people who've done the same thing.' It's really incumbent on employers not only to put policies in place but make employees sign and date an acknowledgment," she said.
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I can't open the link because it is filtered through our internet/e-mail security system. Guess I'll try from home later!! (sorry just my weird sense of humor kicking in again)

David Hartman

SteelMaiden said:

I can't open the link because it is filtered through our internet/e-mail security system. Guess I'll try from home later!! (sorry just my weird sense of humor kicking in again)

Prize comeback SteelMaiden. :biglaugh: This one should be framed. :vfunny:
No troubles here, I'm posting from home... But: At work I have once or twice had the message

Address restricted acc. to ********** policy. Reason: Humor

come up when trying to follow links. How about that one? At the very least it proves that we have a policy. I just didn't know it required me to lose my sense of humour, that's all.


Mike S.

Happy to be Alive
Trusted Information Resource
Claes Gefvenberg said:
No troubles here, I'm posting from home... But: At work I have once or twice had the message

Address restricted acc. to ********** policy. Reason: Humor

come up when trying to follow links. How about that one?

That's one of the funniest policies I've ever seen -- which is of course ironic. :rolleyes: God forbid there be any (non-company initiated) humor!

You ought to send that one to Scott Adams (Dilbert cartoonist) or some contest for the stupidest company policies.

Also, if any of the IT guys have any cartoons posted on their office walls, you ought to plaster a piece of paper over them with that statement on it. See if they have a sense of humor!
Mike S. said:
That's one of the funniest policies I've ever seen -- which is of course ironic. :rolleyes: God forbid there be any (non-company initiated) humor!

You ought to send that one to Scott Adams (Dilbert cartoonist) or some contest for the stupidest company policies.

Also, if any of the IT guys have any cartoons posted on their office walls, you ought to plaster a piece of paper over them with that statement on it. See if they have a sense of humor!

Actually, I did show it to our (local) IT staff. They laughed so hard I thought they would hurt themselves. As for Scott Adams... Now, there's an idea...

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