Each ISO9000:2000 requirement has intent?



Hello all Cove friends,
I try to do some search about intent of each ISO9K2K requirement (clause by clause) and benefit from doing thing right the first time. Because to motivate or make people awareness, they should realize the reason why they must follow each "Shall"

Can anyone please suggest?



Left of center but it works, etc.

Though this could be a very, very lengthy reply. I’ll hit only the important parts that have proved beneficial for my companies and me. First, don’t do anything for ISO; do it for your company. ISO stinks. 3rd party certification bodies stink more. But, you can use it as a vehicle for improvement. The standard is so broad that you can run your business they way you want, add value under almost all clauses and still easily meet the intent. People get scared by this ISO term or they laugh, as it is now a joke in industry. Eliminate the fear and laughter. Do it for the company. Solicit input from all people at all levels. They are running this system so make them an integral part of it. Don’t mandate. Ask for help. Create positive energy. Don’t read anything outside or into the clauses themselves. Read it and see how it can benefit you and show examples as you begin to sell the system. If it doesn’t improve quality of product or life or it costs too much, try again. The spirit of this new standard is Continual Improvement. That can’t be achieved if you are not getting a return on your investment. Next, in your documentation efforts, if the guy on the floor can’t understand it, throw it in the trash. If you don’t need it, don’t document it. Pictures and flow charts and small words add value. Lastly, manage your registrar. They are supposed to audit you to the minimum intent of the clause, but most will try to audit you to their opinion on business practices. Don’t let ‘em do it. Most of these clowns are rigid control freaks that add no value to society anyway. Let them understand this is your system and don’t be intimidated. Good luck ! :bonk:


If you're looking for how the 8 Quality Management Principles relate to the ISO 9001:2000 standard, a good place to start is the Whittington & Associates e-Newsletter, May 2002 issue section 6 "ISO 9001:2000 and Quality Management Principles"

I agree with the Smurf that the real benefit of the ISO 9001 standard is how you can use its requirements to help your organisation - if you are looking for 3rd party registration other factors may be prioritorised by management.

Good Luck,


florin pirvulescu

Noboxwine you are perfectly right. I like it very very much. Unfortunately in my 9k2k experience I used two measures: first I did it for our company improvement and then I adapted a little for the sake of dear external auditor.
Florin Pirvulescu, Romania


Thank you very much for your response. I, completely, agree with all comments without any doubt.

However, I have the problem about how to interprete each "shall" in term of its intention such as "Why the standard says we need to have at least 6 procedures?, or "Why we have to create quality objective? for example.

I took ISO9K2K internal audit course, but that cannot help me clearly enogh to explain or teach my operators.

I don't know if someone might suggest or have some pdf file(s) or resources.

Thank you.

Chris May


Once you have identified your processes and process relationships, flow chart some examples that travel through all processes.

I did some by product. Select one product and then map it through the whole system. I found this useful to both myself and the people that I was trying to bring on board.

Also, maybe instead of trying to explain why they should comply with all the "shalls", tell them or even better show them, what can happen if they don't comply.

I am sure that you can find some scenarios that would be useful as an example of doing things wrong.

At the end it all comes down to waste/cost etc;




hie there! i would agree with noboxwine totally. we did certain things the way we WANT to do them, but these 3rd and 2nd party auditor will come and say they are not quite right because they don't follow the way they (the auditors) want.

of course there are 1001 routes to get to a destination. any route we take still takes us there, isn't it? sometimes i get this attitude from the internal auditor too!
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