EN ISO 12322:1999 vs. EN ISO 13612:2002 - Which to use



We are looking to pursue a CE mark for an Annex III culture media IVD. So, in looking for the EU recognized standards we need to use/reference, I see that there are 2 for performance evaluation/criteria:

EN ISO 12322:1999 In vitro diagnostic medical devices. Culture media for microbiology. Performance criteria for culture media

EN ISO 13612:2002 Performance evaluation of in vitro diagnostic medical devices

I am looking for guidance for utilizing both of these standards, or ust the one specific to culture media (EN ISO 12322)? I have not read either, and cannot find a good synopsis of them before I purchase them- so I wanted to check here first... Thanks!


The standards to apply are those that are published in the Official Journal of the EU.
For the IVDD see here:-

Note that neither of the standards you have identified are ISO standards. Instead they are CEN standards.

Most online sources of standards have a 'preview' facility that allows you to see the first few pages of a standard. This is useful as you can view the 'Scope' of a standard to judge whether or not it is applicable to your case.


The standards to apply are those that are published in the Official Journal of the EU.
For the IVDD see here:-

Note that neither of the standards you have identified are ISO standards. Instead they are CEN standards.

Most online sources of standards have a 'preview' facility that allows you to see the first few pages of a standard. This is useful as you can view the 'Scope' of a standard to judge whether or not it is applicable to your case.
I can't find a site that will let me preview any of it :( if you know of one, please let me know!
What is the significance that it is a CEN Standard? It is also an ISO standard, as ISO is in the title of it, correct?
The link you gave is where I found both of these standards, and am not sure which or both I should buy and apply...
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