Environmental Management Representative


Super Moderator
To what extent should the EMR be involved in the day-to-day implementation process of ISO 14001?

Should the EMR attend Implementation Cross Functional Team meetings?

Should the EMR be a member of Top Management too?

Would the lack of EMR participation in meetings and development of the system be a finding, or would the appointment of a "Designee" to perform the day-to-day stuff suffice?

[This message has been edited by Randy (edited 20 July 2001).]


Our MR is like the Project Leader for EMS implementation. There is a cross-functional "core team" that deals in day to day for their areas. The MR serves also as a technical expert.

MR calls and reports during Management Reviews or project team meetings with core team to review progress, problems etc.

Our MR is carries the title of Environmental Health and Safety Manager.


Super Moderator
I'm just curious to know if a lack of evidence of the EMR participating in the day-to-day implementation/operations of the EMS would constitute a "Finding"?

I've been assisting with the implementation of an EMS with a company and have not met the EMR yet. We've had a couple of Implementation Team meetings since I've been on board and he has not been there.

I just need to ascertain as to whether or not the EMR can delegate responsibility to anothe individual and not be a visible up front participant. I told my client that as an Auditor if I was doing a record check and couldn't see where the EMR was active in the system it would be a finding and probably a major one.


We have a "responsibility matrix" that allows for delegation to core personnel involvement within theirareas of responsibility.

We do have a good deal of evidence; meeting minutes, Emails etc that the MR is right in the thick of things.

The MR is the "go to guy" for us; I would not feel comfortable if he wasn't involved!


Randy, The requirement is that top management appoint a management representative(s) . . .

There could be a MR from each departmrnt/area that reports the sratus to top management. Each MR would need to have a defined role and responsibility for their area. Also I would think thst each MR would nrneed to be knowledgeable in ISO14000 plus the CFR and OSHA reporting requirements.

IMO, it would be too confusing to have more than one MR, but the requireemnt is to appoint one or more MR's. If that is not defined then I would say "yes" there would be a finding.


Super Moderator
How much time should the Management Rep spend on the initial system implementation? 25%? 50%? 100%?

To me if I don't see 25% or better I find it difficult to believe the committment is real.



Our MR is spending 50% plus on implementation at least (I just ask him) . He chairs all related meetings of an EMS core team, tracks progress via timeline, interfaces with Registrar (our Regustrar doc. review is in progress as we speak), reports progress to Management.. You name it, the MR is in the middle of it.

25% seems light to me although I do not know what the right % is.

Jim Biz

Randy - 4 what it's worth - we handeled "MR appointments" with separate Job descripts (even If one person is assigned more than one job title)

Reason: should our internal situation change to the point where we can actually have a single person in a single set of job duties - all the details are available.




In a L-2 procedure addressing Structure and Responsibility we document that the "EHS Manager is appointed the MR responsible for ........ and reporting on the suitability and effectiveness of the EMS system during Mgt reviews........

Additionally top level Org Chart indicates EHS Manager is MR


Super Moderator
It's Friday!!!!!!!

Does anybody have a copy of a letter or memo designating someone as the Management Rep?
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