Ed, I agree that it's a tough situation for manufacturers, but they are far from helpless victims in this case.
There were 4 years to prepare for MDR between the day it came into force in May 2017 and the (updated) date of application in May 2021, and 30 months (2.5y) to get certified pre-DoA, after the first NB (BSI) was already notified under MDR. There were ample warnings and nudges to be proactive, plan, prepare and act well in advance, but for the most part, managements were complacent/myopic and procrastinated. I think that no one wanted to acknowledge and accept the mammoth in the room (i.e. the unprecedented huge amount of necessary resources and extended timelines, regardless of any bottlenecks - it's simply a huge job). Some manufacturers, however, did the right thing, and are now either already certified or sailing fairly confidently towards that target, with a clear (though maybe lengthy) timeline.
- It's true there's not enough NB capacity. This was highlighted countless times, since even before the MDR came into force in 2017. I give you this, indeed the EU failed miserably on that front. Regardless, some manufacturers read the writing on the wall and made sure to come first and be served first (and in time).
- First come first serve is the common default attitude everywhere and all the time, including the FDA etc. Why is that a surprise / an issue?
- I'm not aware of "the EU asking Manufactures to define plans". It might be a NB thing. It makes sense to formally plan any big project, but where is the official requirement? The OP noted that their "requirement" (he noted it as "a finding" - a little ambiguous) came from a "third party auditor" doing an internal audit (again, little clarity here, but it doesn't sound like it was a NB), so I wouldn't take it as indicating "an EU requirement".
- Manufacturers might have little control over their certification process currently, but they had a lot of control over their actions in the lead up, over the last 5 years!
The cricket danced and played all summer while the ant was hard at work preparing for winter.