Evaluating Processes - Cycle Time Concepts - Three Levels for any process


Greg B

Hello All,
I have placed this in the 'Contributors Forum' as I believe we are the only ones that can access the files from the 'Members Directory Files'. I downloaded the file 'Evaluating Processes' MS Word and I am using it to help me with a training package I am putting together on Process Mapping and Evaluation. My question is in regard to the Paragraph:

'Cycle Time Concepts - Three Levels for any process:'
Baseline (Current run rate)
Process capability (what can reasonably be expected without adding resources)
Theoretcial (sum of value added steps only).

I have had no training in this and would like someone to explain it to me please. I look forward to your comments.

Greg B

Craig H.

Re: Evaluating Processes

Ok, Greg, I'll give it a shot, in hopes that others will amplify and correct.

Baseline is what the process is doing now. Say, the process is making 25 units an hour.

Process capability is what the process CAN do. If we have our best operators and perfect raw materials, we can make 30 units an hour.

Theoretical would involve only sub processes that make a difference to our customer. In the cove, we have argued at length about exactly what that is, so my answer here may start an interesting discussion. The way I would approach it would be to ignore set-up times, "wait times" (unless paint has to dry or something like that) and other activities that do not improve the value of the product. For simultainous processes, take the longer time value. then, evaluate throughput. Lets say that gives us 35 units an hour. Then, there are bottlenecks and inefficiencies that cost us 5 units over theoretical and 10 units over baseline.

Now, where are the bottlenecks? Thats where you start to work.

Hope this helps.



Fully vaccinated are you?
I moved this to the Misc Topics forum as there are a number of people who bought the 'Members Directory Access' package who may have it. And there will surely be some others with some ideas.

Greg B

Thanks Marc

Originally posted by Marc
I moved this to the Misc Topics forum as there are a number of people who bought the 'Members Directory Access' package who may have it. And there will surely be some others with some ideas.

Thanks Marc,

I did'nt think of people accessing it that way. I was looking forward to some help on this topic and apart from Craig was at a bit of a loss. Craig did help though.

Greg B
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