Excellent Resource on Statistics / Lean / Six Sigma


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For someone starting out or who needs a refresher, take a look at edX | Free online courses from the world's best universities

There is an excellent series of courses put out by the Technical University of Munich, currently they are running "QPLS1x Six Sigma Define and Measure" and will have two follow up courses. These courses are modeled on the Body of Knowledge for the ASQ Green Belt. The information is well-presented, the pace is slow, and they have illustrative examples.

The one I took last year helped me a lot when I was learning for the ASQ CQE.

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with any of the universities offering online courses nor do I have any affiliation with edx.org.


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They are at it again.

There is a course update for Six Sigma: Analyze, Improve, Control starting April 30.

Six Sigma and Lean: Quantitative Tools for Quality and Productivity | edX

It looks like it costs $250 to take the course but that is not quite right. There are three courses, Lean Production, Six Sigma: Analyse, Improve, Control and Six Sigma: Define and Measure. If you take all three and want the certificate proving you did, then it costs $250. Otherwise, you can take the courses and learn online for free.
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