Sam Lazzara
Trusted Information Resource
Any experience with paying for expedited (fast-track, real-time, etc.) reviews offered by some Notified Bodies?
I see that BSI and TUV SUD appear to offer such expedited reviews. Any experience with them or other NBs?
BSI CE-Dedicated FastTrack
The CE-Dedicated FastTrack review service allows you to book your technical documentation review in advance. The service is conducted remotely with your BSI Product Expert, who uses the time allocated to your company to conduct a focused review of your technical documentation. This allows you to interact with your BSI expert, providing them information during the review. The CE-Dedicated FastTrack service improves the efficiency of the process, and provides predictability in your planning of the review.
BSI CE-Onsite FastTrack
The CE-Onsite FastTrack review service is conducted at your premises; a BSI Product Expert visits the facility for a period of time. CE-Onsite FastTrack reviews allow for dynamic communications and opportunities for immediate responses to questions raised by the reviewer. Planning a CE-Onsite FastTrack review in advance provides you with more predictability and the reassurance of knowing when your BSI Product Expert will be at your premises.
I see that BSI and TUV SUD appear to offer such expedited reviews. Any experience with them or other NBs?
BSI CE-Dedicated FastTrack
The CE-Dedicated FastTrack review service allows you to book your technical documentation review in advance. The service is conducted remotely with your BSI Product Expert, who uses the time allocated to your company to conduct a focused review of your technical documentation. This allows you to interact with your BSI expert, providing them information during the review. The CE-Dedicated FastTrack service improves the efficiency of the process, and provides predictability in your planning of the review.
BSI CE-Onsite FastTrack
The CE-Onsite FastTrack review service is conducted at your premises; a BSI Product Expert visits the facility for a period of time. CE-Onsite FastTrack reviews allow for dynamic communications and opportunities for immediate responses to questions raised by the reviewer. Planning a CE-Onsite FastTrack review in advance provides you with more predictability and the reassurance of knowing when your BSI Product Expert will be at your premises.