FMEAs, APQPs and Control Plans everytime?



We are a custom dump truck bodies and trailers producing company, ISO 9001 certified and currently working towards QS. We make new designs for every new order, although designs are somewhat similar to previously used, they are not exactly alike. Do I have to do a new FMEA, APQP and a Control Plan for every new design??


Tom Goetzinger

There is nothing wrong with using generic FMEA's, Control Plans, etc. if they are appropriate for your business and your processes. These documents should be helpful to your business, not a burden, which I suspect would be the case if you started over each time. This is not to say that once you generate your generic document that it never changes. These are intended to be used and to change (improve) as you continue to use them.


Fully vaccinated are you?
Do them on your processes, not your product, and you will find the burden not so heavy.
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