Ford Q1 Research - Researching the history of ISO 9000 - Graduate Assistant



Hi everybody
I am a Graduate Assistant at Western Carolina University doing a research of the history of ISO 9000. My focused area of research is Ford and their QS standards. I could not find anything relevant on the net and nobody answered my emails from Ford. As far as I understand QS is obsolete. I have that Ford gives to lots of companies the Q1 award that I have no idea what it is. Some of the faculty from here said is a new standard that Ford developed but they have no details. I tried ISO site but could not find any information. Please help me out with any information you may have (contact names, sites, materials etc). Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thank you very much.
Nicky Hategan
:bigwave: :(


I think you will find some information in the free files area of this website.

Basically Q1 is Ford's own program that goes beyond QS. The requirements vary based on commodity (production part, marketing, trucking, service, warehouse, etc.) but basically the requirements are:

1. QS-9000 or ISO/TS 16949 quality system certification for production part suppliers. ISO 9001 for non-production part suppliers.
2. ISO 14001 environmental certification. Deadline varies based on commodity.
3. Satisfactory performance levels from all Ford divisions serviced (quality ratings, delivery, etc.)
4. Endorsements from key Ford customers.

There may be some additional requirements, but these are the biggest. Hope this helps,


Geoff Cotton

Quite Involved in Discussions
Q1 goes back to the late 80’s. I’ve just dug out a Q1 Quality System Survey Report dated Dec 89. (Ford Document No. 2955), so it’s nothing “new from Ford”. Its older than QS.

Although we have been accredited to QS for many years, prior to that and to this day we are still assessed to the Q1 standard by Ford SQA.

The contact address at the front of the “Quality System Survey and Scoring Guidelines” (1990) is: Ford Motor Company, Quality-Related Publications, P.O.Box 1000, Plymouth, Michigan 48170.

Hope this helps

Randy Stewart


Welcome Nicky,
I'll attach 1 of the documents now, if you want other info I can send it email. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of Ford. We were the first shop to achieve Q1 in design (R&M emphasis and TE-9000). Okay I'll stop blowing our horn. Q1 goes back to the old Q 101 standard of the 80's, it was and is a Ford philosophy based on measurables, cross functional teams and management responsiblity. Nothing new so far right? IMO the main thing that Q1 pushes is the "QOS" or Quality Operating System ideas. Let me know if this file helps.


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