ISO TC 210 JWG 1 will meet next week in Tampa, Florida, to discuss the comments on the systematic review of ISO 14971. Although the voting by NCs indicated the desire to maintain the current standard as is, the number and types of comments were deemed enough to require a careful analysis before a decision is reached.
Also influencing this is the fact that ISO finally removed ISO 14971 from the list of MSS standards (ISO 14971 was erroneously put there), which means that ISO 14971 won't need to follow the HLS anymore. This is one of the issued that were impacting any revision (the other being alignment with ISO 31000).
Also influencing this is the fact that ISO finally removed ISO 14971 from the list of MSS standards (ISO 14971 was erroneously put there), which means that ISO 14971 won't need to follow the HLS anymore. This is one of the issued that were impacting any revision (the other being alignment with ISO 31000).