Gage R&R for multiple measurement system



Hello everyone,

Thank you in advance for the help, here is the issue:

We have a Test Machine for a light modulation and filtering assembly, we are going to build this assembly for medical purposes and im being requested a Gage R&R for the tester, the function of the tester is only to turn on the DUT (device under test), comunicate with CAN bus and mechanically put color patterns in the DUT lenses.

So the tester gives the DUT command to modulate and read the lght reflected from the color pattern and this is repeated several times with diferent colors, the values captured by the DUT are stored in the tester but they correspond to digital values (numerical but ADC readings), so i cant compare them to any physical attribute without the designers knowledge, each test records 24 diferent measurements (2 color and 8 lenses combinations) and my experiment has been already finished, 10 samples, 3 operators 3 trials, so right now i have 90 records each with 24 measurements.

is there a way to do a Gage R&R for 24 variables?, am I correct doing a gage R&R to tester that does not actually measure anything?

Thank you.


Forum Moderator
Correct me if I am mistaken, but this sounds like your "tester" is actually acting as a master. That is, it is providing a master "color" that the DUT actually measures. Then your "tester" decides whether the DUT measured the "color" correctly. Am I correct?
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