Go to
https://www.iso.ch - Link was: /infoe/otherpub.html and look for the blurb on ISO 8601. You will find the following description:
"Numeric presentation of dates and times
Information leaflet on the International Standard ISO 8601, Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange – Representation of dates and times."
1997, 4 p., free
If you click on "more info", you will find the following to confirm Marcs recollection of the date representation, driven
primarily by digital applications:
"For numeric applications, ISO 8601 represents dates from largest to smallest element – Year- Month-Day. For example: 9 December 1999 is 1999-12-09. "
HOWEVER, you may not be able to collect nor have to pay on the bet until you actually have a copy in hand as reference.
[This message has been edited by Russ Jackson (edited 06 October 1999).]