I took it a couple of weeks ago. Overall I thought the study materials were much better than the materials they've done in the past. There are a lot of materials available to reference as you go through the training, and you can take as long as you want to study them. They include a side-by-side comparison of the standard versions, all of the new forms, IAQG presentations, supply chain management handbook (SCMH) references, etc.
The final exam is timed and you'll really need to manage your time to make sure you finish. You have to read the scenarios and answer the questions as quickly as you can - no time to think twice about it. I ended up not finishing the last few questions. They do give you feedback at the end in three different areas - 9100 requirements, 9101 forms requirements, and comprehension of the scenario. These are combined into an overall score. A passing score is 75%. Unfortunately I didn't pass. In my opinion the time given to read and comprehend the scenarios is ridiculously short. Retake is $195.