Hospital Rebrand & Name changes


Hi All,

Good day to you!

My hospital was approved to change the hospital branding (name & logo). Hence, all documentation such as policies and procedures, forms, organisational charts and other related documents.

Hence, I seek your help to confirm for the below details:
1) Do I need to continue with the previous revised number or create a new number? Our SOP & Forms are using running number for the issue no. and revision no.
2) DO I need to state the previous changes in the Amendment Records inside the SOP?

Please let me know if my questions are not so clear.

Thank you in advance!


John C. Abnet

Super Moderator
1) Do I need to continue with the previous revised number or create a new number? Our SOP & Forms are using running number for the issue no. and revision no.
2) DO I need to state the previous changes in the Amendment Records inside the SOP?

Good day @farah ;
Consider this. Will anything change that affects the intent/purpose of the documents?
i.e. if the change is not "controlled" (documented with implementation date, approvals, training evidence, etc..etc..) can it lead to a nonconformance?

I would assume not.

I would then council that the only records/change control that needs to be applied are those (IF any) that are needed by your organization.

Do what works for you.

Hope this helps.
Be well.


Looking for Reality
Trusted Information Resource
Not sure if it is any different for a hospital vs. a manufacturer...but as a manufacturer:

I just wrote one high level document describing the name change and logo change, and stated in it that all references to previous name, and all occurences of previous logo, would be treated as equivalent to the new one until updated (no deadline set).

We changed the ones used every day first (controlled forms, postings, things sent to customers, etc.), then did the internal ones as we got to them with no big urgency...whenever they were going to be updated anyway.
If things got slow, it was a good busywork project...but otherwise, we were already covered.


Involved In Discussions
I have done this both ways - once with full change control and a revision change on every document, just to change the logo. It gives full accountability and traceability... but I really don't suggest it. That was madness. Fortunately, we had a fairly limited number of documents to deal with.

I have subsequently updated logos as a purely clerical, non-controlled update to the documents. Being kind of anal about traceability, I did add a line to the rev table on each one mentioning the update but that's probably not even necessary. The whole rebranding process must have some documentation around it, whether controlled or not. Perhaps it could be mentioned in there that during the month of MMYYYY all document branding was updated.

What do your SOP's allow? Keep it as simple as possible. This isn't a change that'll impact quality.


Hi All,

Good day!

Thank you so much for your replies. it gives me a bit clearer picture on what to do before transitioning. What @Ninja stated might be a good idea for me. I will do the document transitioning by phases and after reading all comments, I think I just continue the running number and changes what needed only (logo and name). FYI our transitioning will start end of OCT or early Nov.

My concerned is more on the documentation area and like @John C. Abnet said if these will lead to the nonconformance. If you guys have any ideas, please do share with me too ya...

thank you all!

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