Hi again,
I have tried to keep track of my time in the same way as Al did. Actually, I do it every now and then, and yes: It can be quite revealing, and even downright embarrassing at times. (The first time I did this I ended up doing a major “house cleaning”: Clearing the desk, tidying up the structure in the PC, and scrapping a lot of the stuff in the bookshelf. My log had showed me that I used far too much time looking for things…
Please, don’t get me wrong, iday, I’m not saying that this is your problem. It’s just such a good and simple way to gain a bit of extra time. However, Al’s discovery about the coffee and your getting up and walking around a bit may not be such a waste of time after all. It can’t be all bad to leave your desk every now and then to let your head clear itself a bit. After all, we’re not machines, are we?
Finally, I’d like to share this link with you:
https://www.mindtools.com/ . I keep coming back to that site. It is very good, sporting lots of well explained methods suitable for (probably ) every imaginable situation. Time management is just one of the topics.