How to fix a plastic bag on leg with a bandage to take a shower


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After a little surgery in my foot (nothing serious , I am fine:) ), I have this big "boot" around my foot.
So going for the shower I need to cover it with a large plastic bag so it dont get wet.

I got some elastic band, whatever you call it, to put around my leg and the bag to hold it tight around the leg so no water run into the boot/bandage.
It works not perfectly, but its okay, the main drawback is that I need to tight it so much that I feel I almost cut blood stream, last time I got a mark on my knee, so I dont think it is the best in the long run.

So far I found to alternatives:

1. Dont go for shower, use these tissues with cleaning stuff inside.

2. Shower on one leg with my "boot" leg on the zink (almost horisontal), though very demanding. Though: >Shorter showers > less energy on hot water > I save the world... lol.

Any other ideers?
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Re: How to fix plastic bag on leg

- shower standing on your head (bag then will be inverted and no water will run in)

- tape a strip of plastic to your leg just above where the bag opening is, and let it droop over top of bag so that water runs off shield below bag opening


Re: How to fix plastic bag on leg

- spray the boot with silicon or something else that will make it waterproof on the outside


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Re: How to fix plastic bag on leg

Marc, think that would be in the category as 1, thx .

Randomname: lol, I knew I should have put more attention into gym classes.
The other one is interesting, I think I need some waterproof tape then and save leg there, hmm ...
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Re: How to fix plastic bag on leg

- take a bath instead, but when sitting in tub keep leg with boot bent at knee so lower part is pretty vertical, and have water level in tub below that of top of bag

BTW, I'm using TRIZ techniques to come up with these. If you've never studied it you should consider doing so. Phenomenal stuff for problem solving.


Quite Involved in Discussions
Re: How to fix plastic bag on leg

Well, not like a real boot, sorry I am not sure what to call it in English. Around here we just call it a "ski boot".

It has a hardshell on the sides and behind, inside is some soft material wrapped around from leg to foot, I cannot seal the entire material . The hospital shall have it back so I cannot do too much with that. Also the foot cannot breath with silicone around it.

thx for suggestion.


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Re: How to fix plastic bag on leg

No tub in my home unfortunately, and still for accident I could not take the chance I must cover to be sure.


Re: How to fix plastic bag on leg

- remove boot when showering, but sit in a chair during shower to keep load off foot


Quite Involved in Discussions
Re: How to fix plastic bag on leg

There is a bandage under the boot, actually I that is the one that must not get wet. I cannot silicone the bandage either.
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