How to Monitor Training Effectiveness



Hi guys!

I don't have any idea on how we can monitor the effectiveness of our training. In our annual training program, it only say effectiveness of training (not less than 3 months).




Quite Involved in Discussions
This can be easy or difficult depending on the type of training.
The training objective will help you. Do you want to change behaviors, then measure the instances of acts where that behavior was displayed not displayed.
Do you want to increase new technology knowledge? Then you can measure instances of errors/mistakes.
What could be difficult is training to increase competence. The only way I know how to measure this is through practical exams or certifications. I would measure certification/passing rate after the trainings.


do you have any suggested tools that i can link in this training effectiveness?


Involved In Discussions
It is funny, we also recently had discussions on how to improve the way we monitor effectiveness. It is really a big subject. To really simplify for discussion we have started using two methods. Classroom type training we use written tests. For job task or performance related we are using their ability to produce a part that passes inspection. This works not only to judge how well newbies are progressing, but also a way we certify that new hires that are experienced can be excused from that training. The Mentor/Supervisor monitors the actual work to sign-off that the procedures and work instructions were followed and the QA buy-off info is added to the record to show the output was acceptable.


Quality Manager
We have a one month follow up at the bottom of our training sign off so that we can get out there and make sure what was trained is understood, remembered, and being put into practice. That doesn't answer your question further down the road but I've worked in places that don't do that and it seems like an easy way to start off well. It is also an easy way to let them communicate ideas.

Our system is very new though so we'll see how it goes later.


We also perform exams on certain SOP's through out company intranet system. When I was a quality engineer I implemented a written and assembly build test for new hires. The process was all manual that depended on the associates being able to read a drawing specification and build a line to that.

To take it a step further the we decided to give the written test to the associates in the dept. every year to make sure they where still capable of doing the job.


Any suggestions???
Training is need based and some responsible manager must have felt such a need to have some person / persons trained on some particular gap.
Once that particular training is delivered, that responsible manager can easily evaluate the trained person / persons and if an improvement is realized, the given training is effective.
So even if the manager reports something like 4 out of the 5 people trained have demonstrated improved performance over some reasonable time after the training, it is sufficient as a good training effectiveness monitoring.
The problem starts when a gap is not identified and some training is provided (say like 15 persons attend an in-house session on some topic because their assembly line was down due to shortage of material) for which effective is now sought after .....
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Hi guys!

I don't have any idea on how we can monitor the effectiveness of our training. In our annual training program, it only say effectiveness of training (not less than 3 months).



Yeah, you do training to improve competency and when you see competency increase, training is effective! Simples!


Hi ererhel,

Who do the follow up is it the process owner or the management representative?
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