IATF 16949 registration - Major Nonconformance Finding


Last year was our re-registration year, as we prepared for that audit our Lead Auditor reminded us that we could lose our certification.

We had some majors and the auditor came back 2 months later, looked at our corrective actions, closed out the majors, and updated our registration.

As we prepare for our upcoming audit, our lead Auditor is telling me that if we get a major in any area that we got a major in last audit, we will automatically lose our cert...

is this BS?


Trusted Information Resource
I'm don't think you ever "loose" a cert. it may get suspended as you work on corrective actions. The IATF rule for repeats was a repeate issue results in a major against corrective action. Good luck.


Starting to get Involved
IATF Rules 5th Edition Section 8.4 states "In situations where the corrective actions are not effectively implemented, the audit team shall recommend withdrawal of the certificate."

Sidney Vianna

Post Responsibly
IATF Rules 5th Edition Section 8.4 states "In situations where the corrective actions are not effectively implemented, the audit team shall recommend withdrawal of the certificate."

The paragraph you copied applies to a situation where the DECERTIFICATION PROCEEDINGS has already been triggered, according to the IATF document available @ https://www.iatfglobaloversight.org...mpact-for-Client-Condisderation-01Feb2017.pdf.

In the case of the OP, there has been no decertification proceedings initiated.
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Starting to get Involved
Section 8.0 is the Certificate Decertification Process and 8.4 is Verification [of the implementation of identified corrective actions...]


Trusted Information Resource
Section 8.0 is the Certificate Decertification Process and 8.4 is Verification [of the implementation of identified corrective actions...]

Right, but it has to do with when decertification has started based on the events described. The OP is talking about a subsequent surveillance audit where they check the previous corrective actions. In that case, 5.11.5 is operative -- where you end up with 2 majors. One against the original minor and one against the CA process.

Keith Childers

Call your CB and ask to speak with their technical specialist. Not only will he/she be able to clarify the rule with you, but they can also contact the Lead Auditor and advise them, if necessary, before you even begin your audit.

It's probably better to hash it all out before hand rather than to spend a bunch of time in the appeals process.

FWIW: I believe you would just get 2 Majors, one for the recurring problem found, and one for the ineffectiveness of your corrective action system.


Moved On
IATF Rules 5th Edition Section 8.4 states "In situations where the corrective actions are not effectively implemented, the audit team shall recommend withdrawal of the certificate."

No biggie. Auditor only ever "recommend" anything. In the final analysis, it's the CB's management who decide. The auditor sounds like a control freak and bully. Threats are unacceptable. I witnessed something similar from a CB sales person yesterday...
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