IATF 16949 Section (Total Productive Maintenance)

Kostas M

Involved In Discussions
Hello everyone,

I need you advise. We are IATF certified and we recently had the re-certification audit. We received an NC for not having an executed preventive maintenance. Reviewing the standard requirements, it does not mention anything about executed PMs. As PMs we have in place daily oil check refill which is performed by the machine operators and also a schedule for removing the oil and clean the base of the machines. Another PM schedule that we have in place is the schedule for cleaning collets and the feeders. We are not against of having more advance and technical PM activities but due to the limited recourses since we have been looking for personnel for over a year it is not feasible. My question is: Is this NC that we received logic? .

Thank you


Super Moderator
What do you mean by not having "executed PM"? Were there any PM other than oil change planned but not executed as per plan/determined frequency?

If you could share the NC statement & objective evidence (removing sensitive information) to answer your question better?

Kostas M

Involved In Discussions
Hello Amit.

That is how the NC is written:
"Evidence that the organization had executed preventive maintenance in addition to oil replacement, cleaning and filter replacement was not

My understanding was that the current PM activities that we had in place as I mentioned in my post above could satisfy the IATF requirements.



Super Moderator
Only oil change for PM won't help. Other than oil change there should be other checkpoints for preventive maintenance.

IMHO, it seems to be a valid NC based on information provided by you.
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John C. Abnet

Super Moderator
it does not mention anything about executed PMs.

Good day @Kostas M ;
Without being intimate with the situation (objective evidence, etc...) it is difficult for "us" to tell you definitively if the NC is warranted or not. You mention..."standard does not mention anything about "executed" PM". Not sure what you mean by "executed", but what the standard DOES specificy...
* Shall.... "documented" ...maintenance system."
*" Documented....objectives"
* Use of preventive maintenance methods"
* "Review of ...plan....objectives....action plan.

What the auditor NC seems to clearly be stating is not a concern as to whether or not your organization has a PM plan/system or is "executing" on that plan, but that there are no RECORDS/evidence of the plan being carried out. While there is no precise statement that "records" of maintenance are required, it is hard to imaging how " plan vs objectives" can be compared and "action plan" implemented if the plan does not meet the objectives IF there is no record of what PM was actually performed.

It appears that auditor is simply looking for documented evidence of the PM being completed....(and that PM activity being compared to the plan/objectives.)

Seems like a reasonable expectation from the CB.

(On a side note, why would your organization not WANT (need) record of PM performed?...regardless of whether or not "record" is specifically noted in the standard? I'd be curious as to how an effective PM can be determined/monitored if no record is retained. Be selfish. Do what is in the best interest of your organization)

Hope this helps.

Be well.

Kostas M

Involved In Discussions
Hello John,

Thank you very much for your input. We do have a documented maintenance system and schedule for the PM activities as I mentioned in my previous post. (As PMs we have in place daily oil check refill which is performed by the machine operators and also a schedule for removing the oil and clean the base of the machines. Another PM schedule that we have in place is the schedule for cleaning collets and the feeders). Also, there are evidence for the completion of those activities.

Our auditor's perspective was that he was looking for more technical preventive maintenance objectives. We are not against to include more objectives in our PM plan but I don't see anything in the standard which categorizes or identifies specific technical or other PM objectives that need to be performed.

Hope that helpsfor understanding my situation.


Jim Wynne

A schedule is not the same thing as an objective. What do you intend to accomplish by doing TPM, and how do you intend to execute the plan? Those are rhetorical questions, but I have a feeling that that's what the auditor was looking for.

John C. Abnet

Super Moderator
he was looking for more technical preventive maintenance objectives.

Not "his (he)" place to make that determination. Only your organization can/should determine WHAT preventive maintenance activities are included.

As stated in my previous comments, based on the nonconformance comment from the auditor, it sounds as if EVIDENCE is what he is asking to see, which is a reasonable request. It sounds as if your organization may need to clarify the nonconformance problem statement. As written, EVIDENCE is what is missing....as there is no mention in the written statement you share about "more technical preventive maintenance objectives'.

Be well.
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