Preservation clause may apply ( "In order to detect deterioration, the organization shall assess at appropriate planned intervals the condition of product in stock, the place/type of storage container, and the storage environment"
You need to audit your processes
The shipping is part of the supply chain or other process
storage is also part of a process
customers also have requirements
Internal audits are related to all chain, from incoming to shipping through production. Besides they include all QMS processes (MOP, COP and SOP), as well as the applicable cusotmers' requirements.
It would be in the IATF Rules I believe. If there is a storage or warehouse that certainly would need to be audited. I don't have the Rules in front of me, but where ever the product manufactured goes to needs to be assessed.
No not necessarily. But from my experience do not use check lists. Where I am working, when i started, the year prior, that was found to be a minor NC. People were not auditing, checking off things they did and asked. That was/is not how an audit is to be. You are to follow trails.
They are supporting or supplying service to you, correct? I would imagine someone has built a relationship with your registrar, I would call and ask. Be proactive rather than reactive.
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