IM&TE - Outside calibration companies - External Laboratory


Tom W

After looking through the TS2 standard, am I correct in that I see no reference to outside calibration companies having the requirement to be accredited? I ask this because in QS it specifically states that they have to be accredited. Can anyone help me out on this and point me to either where it says they have to be accredited or they don't? This would be just for calibration services on IMT. Thanks.


They have to be customer approved OR 17025. See External Laboratory.


Tom W

Thanks I saw that and see that there is an option, so in theory the calibration service does not have to be accredited. I ask this strickly on a cost basis, our current supplier will calibrate the equipment the same way either normal or under the accredidation, the cost is three time more for the accredidation certificate. We are also looking at different suppliers.
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