Re: Incoming Material Inspection Plan - Drawing CTQ (Critical to Quality) features li
I am working as a quality Eng. in a fluorescent lamps and I have a ptoblem which is : How I can inspect the packing matrialse ,what is the specification,what is the standars,what are the measuring devices
From what you described, it would appear that you do not have an established internal standard or practice.
If you do contract manufacturing for the big boys, they will normally specify all these. If you don't, check around with people in the industry - they can point you to suppliers to these people and you can get your answers from them.
If not, just purchase some products of your competitors. Look at how they do their packaging, what material they used and make a decision for your organization.
For fluorescent tubes, I noticed that most people copied the packaging of the market leaders - basically single walled corrugated carton material.