Internal and external communication procedure for Food Safety


Hello, we had an audit last June 17 and one on the findings is ...
" The organization has yet to determine and document all the internal and external communication relevant to its quality and food safety management system including what information to be communicated, who will communicate, when to communicate, how to communicate and who will receive the communication. "

I have no idea how to make a manual for the procedure, i hope someone can give me a sample procedure so i can follow and adapt it to our company. Our company produces primary wrappers for food packaging. Thank you and Stay Safe!

John Predmore

Trusted Information Resource
Our communications plan is a simple table in our Quality Manual. If your industry does not require a Quality Manual, you can write a procedure with a simple table. The table shows at a high-level, in columns of Who/What/When/How QMS information is communicated (you have the who/what/when listed in your original post). The How is the format or forum: newsletter, bulletin board, email, employee meetings, etc. Examples of what QMS information is communicated: production schedule, QMS Objectives, QMS performance (KPIs, audit results, etc.), maybe problem-solving or improvement efforts. I don't know food safety rules, but if there are specified requirements list those, otherwise your list is based on common sense.

Then be sure to do as you say. If you speak at an employee meeting, keep your Powerpoint slides as a record, or at a minimum an attendance sheet as a record stating in bullet form what was covered. The various stakeholders to communicate to are probably upper management, employees, customers, suppliers, maybe regulatory authorities. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer, except not having anything is an audit finding.

Sidney Vianna

Post Responsibly
Hello, we had an audit last June 17 and one on the findings is ...
" The organization has yet to determine and document all the internal and external communication relevant to its quality and food safety management system including what information to be communicated, who will communicate, when to communicate, how to communicate and who will receive the communication. "

I have no idea how to make a manual for the procedure, i hope someone can give me a sample procedure so i can follow and adapt it to our company. Our company produces primary wrappers for food packaging. Thank you and Stay Safe!
Is this part of an ISO 22000 audit? One example of a critical external communication related to food safety is when there is a need for recall product already shipped; who triggers a recall? how do you send it? to whom do you send it to? do you involve the regulators in the communication? etc....

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Internal and external communication procedure for Food Safety
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