Inernal Programs
Carol, We never contracted out this task, but we did revamp our I'll tell ya what we did (and internal auditing is strictly by what process/procedure your company defines - not dictated - so long as you meet the standard requirements). That said, here goes:
What we had set up =
Auditor Training
All personnel selected as internal auditors shall have completed with one of the following training regimes:
Successful completion of a Lead Assessor Training Course.
Successful completion of the GNB Columbus Internal Auditor Certification Course. (This was non-existant except in theory)
Successful completion of an Internal Audit course. The Quality Assurance Manager must approve the course prior to course participation.
Recognition as an ASQC Certified Quality Auditor (CQA).
What we have now =
Statements are mostly still there, some new verbage... but I customized a canned 'Internal Auditing Training Program' that we purchased from Technicomp. They will send you a demo for evaluation (if you request one). The training kit (purchased) contains: Video tape, Overhead, Instructor Manual (complete with recommendations for techniques, breaks, and activities), Participant's Guides, and sample Company X policies and procedures...which is the part that was customized.
I now facilitate all Internal Auditor Training, and since I manage the auditing program that is great! Additionally, I feel by having an interal program, using our own documentation as examples, the auditors apply the knowledge immediately, get a better grasp of it for long-term retention of the knowledge, and they are also more concience about their own work and processes.
I know many here expound the virtues of hiring the process out, but since I've never exerienced it I cannot fairly say how they would compare. The common problem even we face is not having enough auditors. Our goal is to have sufficient auditors so they each lead 1-2 audits a year and may participate in others as needed or available. We currently have 8 trained internal auditors and I get so much more consistancy from those 4 that I trained! Eventually the goal is for the others to attend a refresher class. We do follow the same procedures...but the ones not internally trained are the one coming up with not-so-creative-reasons for not following it correctly and you should hear the catawailing when I insist any documentation is redone correctly!
Any...another novel from me...sorry so long