Interpreting Injection Molding Tooling Documents - Cavities



I work in the gift industry and am new to manufacturing processes.
Recently, our factory sent me a tooling document that said
"Cav 4, Up 2" for a certain piece, and
"Cav 8, Up 4" for something else, and
"Cav 10, Up 0.5" for the last.

I realize that Cav = cavity, so there would be 4 cavities in the mold, but what does 2 stand for? And 0.5??

Any help would be much appreciated!
Thank you very much...


"Cav 4" generally means Cavity 4, there may be more cavities. It is hard to say without seeing the document. "Up 2" could be some measurement or the number of molds running. So a "Cav4 Up2" COULD mean: two four cavity molds.

I have worked with rubber/plastic molding for 6 years and if I saw this on my desk I would contact the tool shop for clarification. I suggest you contact them to be sure.


There are a lot of difrferent organizations that do things a lot of different ways. And sometimes it seems even more so in the injection molding business. I have found the best way to determine intention if you aren't sure is to ask the person who wrote the specification or drew the blueprint.
What is standard in some organizations may not mean the same in another. Once again, acronyms come to mind.
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bazzle - 2012

Never be afraid to ASK.

You may feel you should know but what is more wrong is misinterpretation.

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