Miner, first of all I would like thank you for this clear and detailed identification.
We made MSA study, Gage R&R nested ANOVA for elongation using minitab. Our results are as folllows:
Study Var %Study Var
Source StdDev (SD) (6 * SD) (%SV)
Total Gage R&R 1,00399 6,0240 33,22
Repeatability 1,00399 6,0240 33,22
Reproducibility 0,00000 0,0000 0,00
Part-To-Part 2,85091 17,1054 94,32
Total Variation 3,02253 18,1352 100,00
Number of Distinct Categories = 4
I know from Gage R&R NDC shold be greater than 5 but in our calculation is 4 .
If I can take your comments about the resuls I will very much appreciated. Thanks, for your help