1. A broader scope isn't an issue. We can do that. But - Remember that there is a forum titled
Book, Video and Web Site Reviews. Would you see it as more 'appropriate' to combine them or choose different names?
2. There is an
Attachments Listing. It is the only way to 'index' Attachments and both are 'hacks' (not part of the vBulletin software). If you go to the Attachments Listing, it has links to the thread the Attachment is in. If you go to the Search page, it will give you a link to the actual post the Attachment is attached to. For some details and chat about finding Attachments, see
Additional Attachments Browser,
Attachments Listing and (broken link removed). As I remember there is at least one more thread with more details which I couldn't find quickly. I'll look further and address How to Search for Attachments in the
How To in the Forums forum.
There are other potential solutions, including a full blown document control system, but none of them address Attachments to posts in threads.
The biggest problem in finding 'specific' Attachments is the Attachments Listing uses the title the user puts in. If a user attaches a file and names it "my_procedure.doc", that's how it will show up in the listing. I have gone through a lot of posts with ambiguously named Attachments, downloaded the Attachment, looked to see exactly what it was, deleted the Attachment from the post and re-uploaded the Attachment with a file name closer to something that (in my opinion, obviously) that will identify what it is in the files list. But - There are over 2500 Attachments (some aren't relevant to 'business' issues - For example pictures and such in the super-long 'Humour Thread' in the Coffee Break forum).
Just to remind, the Attachment Listing and Attachment Search are 'hacks'. That is, they are php scripts that people wrote as 'hacks' to manipulate the vBulletin forum database, and which they give away free to other vB people (like me). I could probably hire a php programmer to clean these two specific scripts up, or to write a script to my specifications, but - I'm not a big company and it's easy to burn up US$1000 or (much) more to get a script written. For those of you who haven't contributed financially here, please remember this the next time you download an Attachment and are not happy with the software. I'm not a coder and would have to hire someone to do something like this.
In case you're wondering, the below shows the number of people who have thrown in their US$25 since June 2003. Note that a number of 'Regulars' did contribute between around April 2003 when the Attachments feature first appeared in the software and June 2003 when the 'Subscriptions' feature first came in a software upgrade. I don't have the actual number off hand - I could probably figure it out given some time - but those people were 'manually' changed to the 'Contributor's User Group' in the administrator's control panel. That said, those early contributions are not reflected in the 'subscriptions' number.
A total of 168 people have contributed (~ US$4200) to the site over about 20 months - 130 of those contributed only once and their subscription (this is the vB terminology - a 'subscription' in this sense refers to a contribution) has 'expired'. Most of the contributions were from 'regulars'. Note that over the last 12 months only 38 people have contributed (~US$950).
Remember, at the time (March-April 2003 through January 2004) I required a 'contribution' to be able to download attachments from most people. I opened up attachments to everyone (well, to anyone who registered as is the situation today) for free when it appeared that advertising was going to pan out, and better than I expected. The original intent of the site being free 'came back'.
This is not a complaint - Just a heads up to remind that this is not a 'big budget' site. If it wasn't for the advertisements (started in December 2003), the site wouldn't even be here today. At worst, consider this a PBS style 'fund raiser' interruption.
3. The problem with posting a link to an article (or whatever) 'off site' is you should be relatively sure that the link will not 'disappear in a year or so. I don't discourage links to other sites (I do discourage links to images on other sites, such as 'smilies'), but the more people know about links and how other sites work, the better it is for me and others. I also admit a SEO bias here. That is because most SEO folks believe a site is 'penalized' by search engines when a lot of dead links are found as they spider a site. There is no emperical evidence that I'm aware of, but so says the 'anecdotal evidence'. None the less, I've spent quite a few hours going back through old threads and removing dead links. See
Broken Links - If you find a broken link in a post, Please Report the Post .
So - Not a problem, but understand the downside / failure modes.
EDIT ADD: There are some sites that will sue over links to them, especially 'Deep Links'. I'm not concerned with links - even deep links - but be aware there have been, and are currently, lawsuits by some sites over links. I'm NOT saying linking is bad, and I definitely do NOT want this to stop anyone here from linking to other sites, however I want to make sure you are aware that the issue does exist. If I ever get a 'Cease and Desist', I'll do what I did when XXXXXXXX filed the complaint with the Ohio Atty General - I'll let you know in big, bold print and provide a copy of what I get (e-mail, letter or whatever).
4. Disk Space - Is not an issue. I have plenty of disk space and plenty of bandwidth.
OK - Back to you folks.