Is Anyone Using IQ (APIS) FMEA Software?



Hello Steve,

Personally I use Powerway software and it has worked out great. It too leads through the process, but if you do not have a good, solid working knowledge of how to do FMEA you'll have trouble. I mention this only because of the marketing comment made in an earlier post. The one really great thing about Powerway is that if I have a print rev. change or something minor like that, when I update my control plan it automatically updates my PFMEA and Flow Chart at the same time. Prior to Powerway I too used excel. I do have an excel program written that has similar update capabilities. If you'd like a copy of the excel file let me know.

Good Luck

Elsmar Forum Sponsor


Re: IQ= Pink Slip

Hello Steve,
I keep my job because I work with FMEA and with this software.
You are right it?s not easy to use (compared with Word & Excel). It?s more a CAQ- Software.
If you need help, send me an e-mail, and I will send you my short Powerpoint - presentation for training which explain FMEA and how to use the software.
Also the presentation is in German, it could help you to find a start.

Hello Steve,
I am new here, and luckily I have stumbled upon this thread. I have been given a project to begin using APIS for fmea. however my training is not for another 2 months and I want to begin using the software (I have found it rather tedious). I would really appreciate if you could offer any help or maybe send me the powerpoint file you have mentioned. thanks. hope to hear back.


If you are using Excel and looking for an improvement, let's try iQASystem TreeTABLE. It's an AddIn for excel, support making relation structure document as FMEA or Control Plan. You can convert your own format FMEA to an auto formated form and software will make it "auto" respond when you insert or delete an item but still keep your document in format.


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IQ= Pink Slip

My first impression was that this package seems to be on a very professional level e.g. it can switch between layouts acc. QS or VDA standards. The program offers a lot of functions for viewing, analysing, editing etc. After seeing all the buttons and menus I was wondering where to start. This took several hours.
After this I was getting irritated because of not making progress. This took the rest of the day. Now I realize that I will not be able to do any further benchmarking before doing an ex(t)(p)ensive course or training to understand this package.

I have started to look elsewhere. I don't know how buddy two posts back keeps his job if he relies on IQ FMEA
Go on the APIS page APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH | Home, you will find some video clips. There is also a representation in MI. If you have a specific question, I can help too.
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