Is there an estimated date of release of API Q1 10th edition?

R Keller

It is still in committee. Then it will need to go through balloting again. I've been listening in on the weekly discussions and progresses is being made.
There is a lot that goes into rewriting a Standard and a lot of opinions that need to be resolved and addressed.


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The latest round of comment resolution has now been completed. The current draft will soon be sent out for another ballot with the scope limited to technical changes since the last ballot. The planned ballot period is six weeks.

The charge of the task group was to include all the ISO 9001:2015 requirements, but the layout and text will be similar to Q1 9th Edition (with new requirements added). There are some plans to perform a gap analysis between the current Q1 draft and ISO 9001:2015 to ensure that all ISO 9001:2015 requirements are covered in Q1 - it is not clear how this will impact comment resolution or if it could force another reballot.

The upcoming ballot should close in mid-October. Ballot resolution will likely take between 1 week (best case) and 9 weeks (the most recent round of ballot resolution required 9 weekly sessions), if there are no significant delays from the gap analysis (it is not yet clear who will perform the gap analysis or when). The document still has to go through API's editorial process and legal review prior to publication.

Considering the above, publication of API Q1 10th Edition will likely be in December 2022 or sometime in 2023.


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API and the task group chair decided not to initiate another ballot (which had been unanimously agreed by the task group) but instead try to use the recirculation process.

This recirculation has not yet been officially initiated, but a meeting to provide information on recirculation rather than another ballot is scheduled for October 31. It is unclear if this meeting is purely informative or if the process could change back to another ballot.

If recirculation is initiated very soon after the October 31 meeting, there might still be a possibility of publishing in December 2022, but that would be quite rushed. Most likely, the publication will be some time in the first quarter of 2023, but this is not guaranteed.


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The recirculation has been initiated and is scheduled to close on December 7, 2022. Everybody on the task group should have been notified of the recirculation by email and provided with a comment form. If you think you should have been notified but didn't receive this email, contact the relevant API staff.

There will be comment resolution (in the same manner as after a ballot) after the recirculation closes. This has not yet been scheduled. Publication in December 2022 seems very unlikely at this point. Publication in the first quarter of 2023 is likely but not certain.


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The recirculation results have been sent out. There are 49 comments and one vote was changed to negative, so another recirculation or reballot should be required. Comment resolution is scheduled to begin with weekly meetings starting February 6.

The earliest that I could see publication happening is April, but it could easily be later.

lanley liao

Lingli Liao
Jmech`s opinion is very right. There are 49 comments and one negative vote, and 33 comments remaining for the task group to review and discuss.
I hope that the specification of API Spec Q1,10th edition would truly promote added value to the facility and grow employees.


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The comments from the first recirculation have been resolved. A second recirculation has been initiated and is scheduled to close on March 22, 2023. Everybody on the task group should have been notified of the recirculation by email. If you think you should have been notified but didn't receive this email, contact the relevant API staff.

If there are comments, then another comment resolution process will be required.

Publication in the second quarter of 2023 appears likely but not certain.
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