ISO 9001:1994 to ISO 9001:2000 Transition Plan


Jimmy Olson

Transition Plan

I don't know if this is an appropriate question to ask here or not. Does anyone have any tips or know of resources available to help in developing a transition plan? I was just saddled this morning with having to develop one and have it ready by the end of the week. I tried telling them to just read the standard, but that didn't work too well:vfunny:

Any assistance or sugestions or links to information would be greatly appreciated. I have a basic understanding of ISO 9001:2000, but I've only been working with that standard a couple months (all my background is in calibration). Thank you in advance. As I stated in a different post, my questions will become more frequent as I try to maintain sanity. Maybe one day I will be just as crazy as the rest of you and then I will be qualified to give advice as well. :vfunny:
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Change Agent and Data Storyteller
Super Moderator
Richard, has your organization completed a Gap Analysis yet? You know, looking at the current state of your QMS against ISO 9001:2000? If not, I recommend your first transition plan contain two steps.

Step 1 - Coordinate, complete, and report on Gap Analyis. This could take anywhere from 3 - 7 days depending on the size of your organization and resources available to you to conduct it. I needed 5 days to complete mine, but I was the only person doing it and was still somewhat unfamiliar with our processes.

Step 2 - Develop a more detailed transition plan based upon Gap Analysis findings (if any). This will then entail gaps to be addressed, time frames, resources required, etc.


Your second transition plan is obviously the more detailed one, but at least you now have some data explaining why you set it up as you did. To just ask you to develop a transition plan seems rather, well, silly to me. That's like telling you to develop more efficient processes, but not giving you an area to focus on or providing you with a goal.

Carl Exter

I would agree that a gap analysis would be the place to start. The copy of the standard I have is published by ASQ, and they have an "Annex B" which compares the clauses of the 2000 standard to the 1994 version. Perusing this will show what's "new" right off the bat. Of course, some of the clauses that they align are similar, but have different focus or some new requirements as well. Good luck!:frust: :frust:


Change Agent and Data Storyteller
Super Moderator
Making a list...checking it twice...

Starting off by looking at how the new Clauses line up with old Elements is a good starting point. I would also look at all of the shalls and determine to what degree your organization has addressed them. Have they been implemented? Are they followed in a consistent manner? Auditing is now veering away from "show me the document that tells you how to do your job" to "so...what do you do?"...and asking several people with the hope of getting similar responses.

The Gap Analysis, however, I downloaded from The ISO Store and it has helped me tremendously. Not only did it clearly highlight what was new in the Standard, it provided me with the perfect opportunity to study our processes and identify (at this early stage) areas for continual improvement. I've also attached (hopefully) a blank copy of the Gap Analysis in case you can't find it at the Store.

Hope it works out in the end for you, Richard. :)


  • iso 9001 - 2000 gap check list.doc
    317 KB · Views: 1,172

Carl Exter

Yes, thank you, RC. I totally forgot about the "Shall" analysis/review. This is an excellent starting point for any gap analysis, Richard.


I agree that the Gap Analysis should be the first step, but also contact your Registrar to see if they have any tools available. Mine has a transition checklist that they provided and then they used that checklist to do the actual upgrade audit.

Here's the one I was given by my Registrar:


  • newtranschecklistusa.doc
    94 KB · Views: 538

Mike S.

Happy to be Alive
Trusted Information Resource

Your "added later" transition checklist requires a password to access.

Carl Exter

Is this thread proving helpful, Richard? You may also obtain assistance from your registrar. During our last maintenance audit for the 1994 standard we paid to have them stay another day and conduct a pre-audit gap kind of analysis thingie to get their perspective on our status. Of course, this costs money, but it can be worth it depending where your company is at in transitioning, and the quality of your registrar. Just a thought.
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