ISO 9001:2000 and 2008 Registrar Audits: What Questions are Being Asked?



Auditor Questions

Our audit took place this past August. Our audit was focused more on the process approach than on compliance to written procedures. They wanted to see evidence that the process was being evaluated for effectiveness, the inputs, the outputs, the data being collected, the measurements and how management was involved with each identified process (13).

Management was interviewed throughout the plant. It was an interesting 3 days.



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What I have noticed, in our original certification audit, and our first surveillance, is that the auditor is asking many more questions about what information (data) we collect and how we use (analysis) it to see where we are and where we are going. Our registrar also really focuses on the managers now, instead of me. (I know I appreciate it, not sure they (managers) do!!) And then, finally, how do the processes, data collection and analysis support our objectives, and do we document actions taken/decisions made from that analysis.


Auditor style

I was shocked at how laid-back our auditor is during audits. He told us that he wants to find examples of compliance, not nonconformance. Example being that he says "go get me a purchase order" and sits there while you scurry off to grab one -- I had pictured some sort of covert operation where he would paw through my inbox and check out what's on my desk, etc. Not at all. He asked for documents, we brought them to him, and he checked them off on his list.

Our questions were similar to what SteelMaiden described. He did randomly ask people our quality policy, which we expected.

Our auditor does not issue minors anymore, just OFIs (opportunities for improvement.) Our last audit report did not identify any OFIs so I guess if we want to find opportunities for improvement we will have to go it alone!


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ISO 9001:2000 Registrar Audits: What Questions are Being Asked?

Seeking more responses. ISO 9001:2000 Registrar Audits: What Questions are Being Asked?


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Re: ISO 9001:2000 Registrar Audits: What Questions are Being Asked?

I just thought I'd bump this thread for any new inputs.

KN Quality

Re: ISO 9001:2000 Registrar Audits: What Questions are Being Asked?

I'm interested to see what people are seeing with regard to audit questions for ISO9001:2008. I have been through one audit and I did not see much of a difference or whether the auditor even looked to see if the clarifications between 2001 and 2008 were addressed...

John Martinez

Re: ISO 9001:2000 Registrar Audits: What Questions are Being Asked?

Seeking more responses. ISO 9001:2000 Registrar Audits: What Questions are Being Asked?

I saw on the transition to ISO 9001:2008, it was a normal periodic audit with a checklist with specific changes to review. Yes/no questions with a space to record specifics (i.e. document/record reviewed).


Re: ISO 9001:2000 Registrar Audits: What Questions are Being Asked?

I'm interested to see what people are seeing with regard to audit questions for ISO9001:2008. I have been through one audit and I did not see much of a difference or whether the auditor even looked to see if the clarifications between 2001 and 2008 were addressed...

Our "upgrade" to ISO 9001:2008 was not too different for us.

Thinking back on it, we did experience a bit more focused questions on "statutory and regulatory requirements" and on our "control of outsourced processes".
Our auditor made an OFI that we were still referencing the year 2000 in our documentation
(We had a preventive action plan open at the time that among other things dealing with the "upgrade" to 2008 we needed to change the verbage to "ISO 9001". There was some question in our mind at the time if we could reference 2008 prior to being certified to it. We now understand that on inward facing documents this is not a problem, but apparently the open plan mitigated this from being a nonconformity?:confused: or so we were told.)

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