ISO 9001:2000 Registration Audit - Hooray for ME!


James Gutherson

I just want to throw in a quick post here.

We have just been through day 1 of our first ISO9K2K registration audit. With no findings so far. Just one more day to go (Friday).

I agree with Jim Wade as to the value of the badge, and the corruption of the QMS idea caused by the registration process


I am still going to be **** proud to get that certificate on our wall!

Just as proud as I am of having a functioning, business management system that provides value to our organisation.


I'll add my congrats too. But be careful. Look what happened when I posted the similar thread



You had day one on Monday and then the second day is on Friday? That's a bit odd isn't it? At least it gives you time to clean up a few things that might have come to your attention on the first day....

M Greenaway

Our first transition audit is tomorrow, and we have done nothing - should be a good indicator of the 'new approach' shouldnt it !

Aaron Lupo

James that's cool, what areas have they audited, have they covered Continual Improvement, Cust. Sat. or Management Review yet? I would agree with Lucinda that day 1 on Monday and day 2 on Friday is a bit odd.

Aaron Lupo

M Greenaway said:

Our first transition audit is tomorrow, and we have done nothing - should be a good indicator of the 'new approach' shouldnt it !

So you were already adressing Customer Staisfaction and Continual Improvement when you were registered/certified to 9000:94. If so thats great, and you also have complete support and buy in from upper Management?

M Greenaway

As a QS9000 registered company we have had to address customer satisfaction and continual improvement in our QMS already.

As for top management commitment - no comment !

James Gutherson

Yes a bit odd

Yes it is a bit odd the spread over 4 days but it was the only available times they had before 1 July when their rates go up, and, like it has been noted, it is good for me to get a few days to dot my T's and cross my I's.

ISO Guy, yes they have covered Man Review, CI and, Customer Feedback, as well as IA, CAPA, Doc control and records. One little observation where there was no entry for a type of record in the log, but a procedure mentioned it.

The only other observation was the Q Manual, which in our case is our intranet site, does not spell out who the MR is. I explained that it is in my job spec, and also we are only 20 people and they all know who I am and what I do. I also said I couldn't see the value for OUR BUSINESS in specifically putting that in. This seemed to go over OK, but it wouldn't have been a hill to die for if they hadn't agreed.

Thank's everyone, and James, I had your thread firmly in mind when I posted this. It's my PA side coming through.

James Gutherson

Well it's over.

Well it's over, and I'm very happy to say all went well.

There are just a few things to clean up, missing documentation type stuff, but it should all be through in 2 weeks. We continued too but heads about the Man Rep stuff and in the end my Boss told them they won. All a bit of chest puffing really, I didn't want to bow to everything the Registrar said, but in the end it was only 2 minutes work.

James Gutherson

Waterways Authority
(A soon to be Quality Accredited organisation)
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