ISO 9001:2000 - Types of Processes Other Than Product Realisation Processes


M Greenaway

Types of process

Section 4.1 of ISO9001:2000 states (amongst other things) that an organisation shall identify the processes needed for the quality management system.

Are these processes different to product realisation processes ?

M Greenaway

Pardon me - just read the note at the bottom of this section.

Very sorry - it is Friday !!

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Quite Involved in Discussions
The 00 standard gives one the model in Q9000-2000, not the same as manufacturing processes (eg. extrusion,forming,etc.). We are interpreting it as the 94 elements are our sub-processes as the conversion charts show. Our QMS processes are our systems for providing customer satisifaction. Q9000-2000 gives the answer.

M Greenaway

But the note at the bottom says

"Processes needed for the quality management system referred to above should include processes for management activities, provision of resources, product realisation and measurement."


Re: Types of process

Originally posted by M Greenaway
Section 4.1 of ISO9001:2000 states (amongst other things) that an organisation shall identify the processes needed for the quality management system.

Are these processes different to product realisation processes ?


I had the same question not long ago. See thread:

As you mentioned, the note in the standard says:

"Processes needed for the quality management system referred to above should include processes for management activities, provision of resources, product realisation and measurement."

It includes product realization processes. Does this mean from receipt of a customer order to the shipping of the product?

Best Regards,
Hank Fowler


Quite Involved in Discussions
Notes are not auditable unless you add it to your system. And this note supports what I had said. Clauses 5,6,7,8 IMO
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Here's how I handled it. I used the model provided by 9000 that shows all of the clauses of the standard in the circle, with customer requirements going in and satisfaction coming out. You know the one.

Anyway, from this model I hooked little text boxes from each clause. And within the text boxes I named the Processes we have that belonged there. For product realization's box I identified the product realization processes (we only broke them down into three threads- so far). In the center of the circle I put a box with the supporting processes for the QMS as a whole : doc control, control of records, IT security.

This is how I will represent the identification of our processes.

Then if you click on the name of a process it opens up a process chart for that process, and shows the inputs and outputs with other processes. The interaction.

How can you possibly leave out product realization?


Excellent method, Lucinda. I did something similar, using the model provided in the Standard, but simply replaced the boxes that represent the clauses with boxes representing the company's Key Business Processes. There are more than 5, but if you arrange it right, it is clear and shows the interaction of the processes.

These can then of course be hyperlinked to the process maps that support them (if the company is set up to do this, as most are).

This approach doesn't show the link to the clauses, but I found that this particular company didn't need or care about this, except at the beginning (to give them assurance that all of the clauses were covered). To show the relationship, we created an overlay that shows where the clauses interact with the processes. After they had that comfort level, they were happy to have the model show their own company's processes and nothing else.

Fun stuff, eh?



No Comprende

Originally posted by gpainter
Notes are not auditable unless you add it to your system. And this note supports what I had said. Clauses 5,6,7,8 IMO

Can you expand on "notes are not auditable". My thoughts were that the notes assist both auditors and companies in determining what is required that doesn't appear in the normal text. As you also said "unless you add it to your system", I've attached another thread where I inquired about using a note from the standard in my Quality Plan. I didn't put it there to be audited. I put it there so that anybody can see that we will not have a full blown 7.2.2 'Review of requirements related to the product" for two of our three Business Units (all under the same roof). I resisted the idea of coming up with three individual Quality Plans. I also believe that I uploaded our Quality Plan for reference in the FTP Files. Please look at this link and let us know what you think.

:ko: :smokin:
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