ISO 9001:2015 Section 8.5.3 - Property belonging to customers or external providers



Looking for some examples of how you are addressing 8.5.3 (Property belonging to customers or external providers). Specifically, besides Customer Supplied Product / Tooling- what other items are you putting in this section. I would appreciate any feedback. Thank you.


Quite Involved in Discussions
Re: ISO 9001:2015 Section 8.5.3 - Property belonging to customers or external provide

Looking for some examples of how you are addressing 8.5.3 (Property belonging to customers or external providers). Specifically, besides Customer Supplied Product / Tooling- what other items are you putting in this section. I would appreciate any feedback. Thank you.

How about some Technical Specification from customers that you need to use for producing the products.


Re: ISO 9001:2015 Section 8.5.3 - Property belonging to customers or external provide

Great example- thank you. The standard lists 'materials, components, tools & equipment, premises, intellectual property, & personal data'. I understand customer supplied material & tools- I would like more examples of premises, intellectual property, personal data and perhaps examples of who the external providers might be other than customers. Thank you so much.


Quite Involved in Discussions
Re: ISO 9001:2015 Section 8.5.3 - Property belonging to customers or external provide

In a previous life... I installed equipment at the customer premises, 1 day to 1-year. Sometimes it took three semi-trailers worth of materials. Have to protect their floors and walls, not drop 20' steel bars into their computer racks, wrenches down the electrical cabinets, etc. While we were not ISO, we still had written procedures as to what measures we needed to take... masonite on the floor & above the equipment, special non-conductive tarps, insulated tools, etc.


Re: ISO 9001:2015 Section 8.5.3 - Property belonging to customers or external provide

Our main controls are in regard to physical property. We have designated locations for them and special labels. They are part of our active inventory.

For intellectual property (drawings or such) we maintain control of documents electronically with limited access to customer folders on the network. The onus of maintaining confidentiality for print copies is on the shoulders of they who printed.


Re: ISO 9001:2015 Section 8.5.3 - Property belonging to customers or external provide

I was wondering if vendor managed inventory would be included under this clause. We have hardware suppliers who ship us boxes of nuts and bolts etc. that we store in our building. They belong to the supplier until we break open the box. Do we need to address how we "identify, verify, protect and safeguard" this property?

Richard W

Re: ISO 9001:2015 Section 8.5.3 - Property belonging to customers or external provide

for me its data, so digital information wether it be artworks or client payment details etc.

In a previous life it could be paper, being a printer some clients supplier the raw material we used to print on (paper!)


Re: ISO 9001:2015 Section 8.5.3 - Property belonging to customers or external provide

On the Vendor side, I have seen consignment shipments used. The supplier ships a truckload of material and you "buy" it as you use it. Identification, Traceability and protection of the materials is your responsibility once they come through the doors.

Another thing to consider would be sub-contractors. For example, you may have a welder come in to do some repairs/upgrades to a piece of your equipment. You should probably have some way of assuring that the subcontractor and his welding equipment is "protected".

Does your company have rented equipment? Leased office equipment?

The changes to this element of the standard are some of the more interesting.
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