I need advice. I just began working at a new company. The person before me was not experienced in ISO at all. They have an external audit coming up next month. I have found the entire system to be in complete ruins. Document control has no control, over 400 forms, a lot of repeated information on different forms, training records barely exist, Management has been lied to about # of open Corrective actions, There is so much, it would take me all day to list it.
How do I, a new person in this position, (Man. Rep./Lead Auditor) cover the companies butt for the upcoming audit. DO I just keep quite and only react to what the auditor finds or should I try to get a plan and timing together for fixing the system?
Please help.....
How do I, a new person in this position, (Man. Rep./Lead Auditor) cover the companies butt for the upcoming audit. DO I just keep quite and only react to what the auditor finds or should I try to get a plan and timing together for fixing the system?
Please help.....